I haven't posted in here in a LONG time. So here goes... let's rewind the clock for a while.
Last Week of January:
I've had to wear braces for 2yrs(that flew by) and retainers for one yr. That's all fine and dandy. Now! The first pair of retainers(top teeth only) I almost lost because instead of putting it in the case, I would wrap it up in paper towel. Well, at the beginning I would place it in its case, but later i was like "screw it" And at work it wasn't really easy to be carrying around a case that might fall eventually. So.... one day, I threw it in the garbage at home(accidentally). Does anyone want me to write what happened next? Yeah, we got it. And I got the retainers back. It's a good thing only food is thrown in our little garbage can and it was in a paper towel on top of all that mess. Well, I had to go to the orthodontist again cause the frames were old and cracked. I got a new pair. I got the 2nd pair in December(if i remember correctly) So the old ones were about to complete their year.
So what did I learn from all from this? How to throw the 2nd pair away. And this time, I couldn't get it back. I left it in a paper towel inside a plastic bag. My mom thought it was garbage, and to the garbage it went...The big one outside of the apartment. And u can bet I was not placing my hand in there. Besides, I have a neighbor who has a dog which let's the dog shit and piss everywhere. And the guy doesn't clean it. Well, he doesn't even keep himself groomed. 'Nough said. And my cousin decided to help clean his room and throw stuff out(in the big garbage container we all share). We now get a picture that is crystal and clear.
The End
The first Few Weeks of February:
So out of the smartness that is me, last year i had my first car crash(that I caused). The lucky thing is I didn't hit anybody nor their car. I had to be intelligent enough to hit the side of the house I reside in. That's what called brain power.
I was actually trying to avoid a hole in the driveway, and happened to get to close to the house on the passenger side and scrape... Knocked down the mirror and the front passenger door can't be opened because the handle is bent. Minor stuff, of course. Now, where I work is not really the most peaceful place, and they have tried to open the car from the drivers side. Well, since my family and have the best luck, can anyone guess what happened one day? No, nobody stole the car, BUT THEY SURE CAN NOW. One happy morning, I have to go out, and I pull the handle of the door to open the car. I try again, and again. I look to the 2nd floor window and signal to my dad, who is watching, that the freakin' door is not opening. On closer inspection, the handle has come out too much and the door can't be opened from the outside even if the lock is removed. Great! Now both front doors can't be opened from the outside. So we clear out things from the trunk and my mom has to crawl through the small space, knock down the back seat and open(from the inside) the back door on the driver's side. So we have to leave one of the back doors open and then crawl over the seats to drive our marvelous car. Isn't life grand?
The End
The Point: We just happen to have the best luck with cars...