Candy Hearts

Who knew something as small as a candy heart could say something so meaningful?

Yeah, the reason I didn't post this on Valentine's Day is because I just typed it in ten minutes about five minutes ago. Valentine's Day isn't exactly a day of inspiration for me. I seriously don't like the holiday. Even if I wasn't single, I think I'd still hate it. It's such a fake holiday. -_-U But since I didn't post a Hitsugaya Valentine fic for you happy people, I decided to give it to all you loyal fans of mine. You're welcome.

All was quiet, save for the scratching of pen against paper as Captain Hitsugaya sat at his desk with, as usual, a stack of paperwork beside him. He sighed and ran his fingers through his white hair. "I'm sorry," he muttered, looking up.

"No worries," you assured him, looking over your shoulder to flash him a smile as you sat on the pale yellow sofa in the office. "It's not like today would have been any different than all the other days we've gone out. And all the good places are always usually crowded around this time on Valentine's Day."

Hitsugaya couldn't help but smile at your understanding nature. "You sure?"

"Positive. Now keep working. The faster you get done, the faster we can go out and have some fun. I doubt restaurants here are as overbooked as the one's in the real world."

He nodded and went back to work. He got through another sheet when you suddenly called out, "Hey, Toshiro."

He looked up in time to see a small projectile heading straight for him. He neatly caught it and studied it in his palm. "What is it?"

"A candy heart," you replied, sucking on one in your mouth. "It's a Valentine candy." You held up a small box that rattled with more hearts inside. "Ukitake gave me some."

"Figures." He examined it closer and noticed there was something engraved on the little pink heart. "'Be mine?'"

"Forever and ever, babe," you answered back slyly.

"Why is there something written on this candy?"

"All of them have little love notes on them," you explained. You got up and dumped some more hearts on his desk, showing him the different messages. "See?"

He took each one at a time and read their messages. "And people in the real world give these to each other on Valentine's Day?"

"Well, this is one of the things. People can give other stuff too."

He nodded. "I see."

You smiled and glanced at the clock. "Well, I'm gonna get out of your way so you can get back to work. If you need me, I'll be bothering the hell out of Renji."

You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and headed for the door. As you reached for the handle, Hitsugaya said, "(y/n)."

You turned in time to see a candy heart coming your way. You clumsily caught it with two hands and looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, so just cuz I threw one at you means you can throw one at me?"

"Pretty much," he replied bluntly, head bowed over his paper.

You pouted and glanced down at the little blue heart. The message read, "I'm Yours."

You grinned from ear to ear and looked back at him before closing the door behind you. He was busy with his paperwork, but you could tell that the message was on purpose.

"Aw, Toshiro~! You're so sweet!" you sang, popping the candy into your mouth. "Just like this candy!"
