Chucky in Pink

Dolls come to life and bully innocent humans who were trying to mind their own buisness. We've heard that all before right?

Well, in this anime I've been watching, Rozen Maiden, the dolls are kinda forced into this cruel game where they are basically trying to destroy each other. They are all girls, and its almost funny to see them going all starry-eyed over strawberry cake one minute and trying to kill each other the next.

The overall polt seems basic. The dolls choose a human, who they force to swear alliegence to them, and then they feed off that persons energy. However, its far more like barbies in pettiecoats, or cabbage patch kids gone wild, then any territorital doll you'll see in the US.

So, cute and funny with random epic battles. Not bad, overall. I admit, it started strong, and I kinda got bored with it after a few cutesy filler episodes, but its not bad if you have an afternoon to yourself and don't want to watch anything too heavy. Its original and cute.
