Captive Hearts

I don't know if any of you have seen the Manga Captive Hearts, but I came across it on, and have fallen in love with it!

Its the story of a family, cursed to serve another family. One young man in particullar, is unaware of the curse until his "master" returns (they thought she was dead). Tehy end up falling in love, but she can't be sure his sentiments are genuine, because he is under the influence of the curse whenever he is in her presence.

This seems to have a diffrent style from most mangas I have read, and the men in it are more emotional than is normally seen, but I love it and highly reccomend it!

The characters are so vivid, the romance and action are fantisful, but still very realistic, and the storylines certainly keep one interested with various unecxpected twists. This is the kind of manga I originally fell in love with, and I'm happy to see I hadn't run out of the "good stuff".

My only problem now is, why can't I find this in stores?
