You are in I.I.R. Army Forces Fighting WW3 on the planet Zeron Good Luck

Yellow Glow?

As Kenshi was walking he spotted the warzone "finally, now i can help defend Zeron" Kenshi draws his sword and notices that its glowing yellow "what the?" Kenshi says confusedly "whatever!" Kenshi starts running towards the warzone with his blade drawn after running for a while he realises that his body has a slight glow of yellow around it "I must defend Zeron!" Kenshi ignores the yellow glow and runs straight into the warzone. Kenshi spots 3 grunts, they also spot him. one of the grunts charge him. Kenshi jumps on and off its head and comes down and slices a grunt straight down the middle of his body. The other grunt that was charging him turns around and starts charging him again while the third grunt goes to stab Kenshi through the stomach. Kenshi jumps up into the air and the third grunt stabs the charging grunt in the stomach. As the third grunts sword is lunged into the charging grunts stomach Kenshi come down and sticks his sword through the top of his head and does a semi frontflip lands on his feet and flings the two grunts into maruriya. Kenshi notices what he's done and yells out while running towards maruriya "Sorry, I dident see you there! Need any help?"


Meiyo feels the Blue Aura running through her veins, making her more powerful and agile

get back

"MEIYO THERE IS TO MANY". maruriya runs back into the battle field to help fight by meiyo's side. maruriya fells his sword pulling him into the fight and see's a glow around meiyo.


Kuzuko sees his leaders glowing red sword and jumps off the bird he was riding, landing on a grunt he uses it as a wall to shoot himself towards where the glow is coming from. He reaches Maruriya, "Why are we retreating? We must defend Zeron."


Meiyo presses forward up to the remaining army and shouts "NO, I must protect my honour" as she slashes through them alll.a