You are in I.I.R. Army Forces Fighting WW3 on the planet Zeron Good Luck


maruriya sprints at the commander and stabs through his armour but doesnt kill him straight away, "CHAOS MOVE" as the commander swings his battle axe at chaos. as chaos kills the commander maruriya relises that his troops are all falling."FALL BACKK". maruriyas sword starts glowing red.....

Got It

Chaos Runs at the commander with his sword out in front "For Zeron" signalling for Maruriya to attack

tag team

maruriya charges at a commander and starts takeing swings at his head, the commander grabs maruriya in mid air and throws him into chaos! "CHAOS TOGETHERRR"


Kenshi walks around the streets of Metropolis in his search for the war zone. Kenshi hears a voice in the distance "Help!" the voice sounded like a Lady. Kenshi starts to run in the direction of the Ladies voice. Kenshi notices that there are two grunts chasing the lady. Kenshi draws his sword and jumps into the air doing a semi frontflip and stabs one of the grunts in the head than finshing the frontflip lands on his feat and slices the other grunts head off. "thank you very much" the lady said Kenshi replies "No problem, i havent got anything better to do, now that that the war is on anyway...well ill be seeing you" Kenshi starts to walk off. "Wait!" the Lady yells "Can i come with you?" Kenshi replies "im sorry i will only attract trouble, you should evacuate the city like everyone going to join the war..." Kenshi walks towards the war zone. Kenshi yells out "you better go quickly before more grunts come" Kenshi continues walking.


Kuzuko runs forward with his sword in front of him, he jumps in the air and grabs onto a Grunt riding a native bird. He slices the grunts head off and takes his place on the birdlike creature, he catches the grunts head and feeds it to the bird, "does that taste nice birdy?" with a chuckle he continues, "theres more where that came from."