Next Generation Ninja World

Next Generation of the ninja world:
(20 years later)

It was the dead of night, and Naruto was having a dull conversation with the Kyuubi inside of his head.

"Man, you know i am bored when I have to resort to having a conversation with you" Naruto joked, as he saw the familiar gate with the gigantic fox deamon sitting contently among rocks.

And I must be even more bored to answer replied the deep voice of the Kyuubi.

"well, hows all the other tailed beasts? Everything all fine and good and peaceful?" Naruto inquired.

Since the fall of orochimaru, and the dissapearence of the man known as Tobi, or more formerly known as Madara Uchiha, things have been fairly peacefull in the ninja realm, as everybody hurried to rebuild their villages.

From what I have heard, everything is going well. But what of you? enjoying your time with that girl, are you? What was her name? Hinata? The kyuubi inquired, with a smirk.

Naruto blushed, knowing that the Kyuubi knew fully well what was going on. "We are expecting kids later this summer." he answered "Twins".

oh, twins... good very good... The Kyuubi thought, then quickly hiding these thoughts, said well, congratulations. I wonder if they will inherit the Bayakugan, or maybe inherit some unknown kekkai genkai, known to your lost clan? Maybe it will appear?

"Hey, I have known you for a long time, you Fox, so tell me whats going through your mind." darn, why couldnt the Kyuubi be more like Killerbees tailed beast...

I won't tell you all of it, but i will tell you something you might find interesting. As you know, we Tailed Beasts can be sealed within Humens, and even creatures. But what you didn't know, is that we breed along with the Jinchuruuki we are inside. So a complete copy, known as my 'son' will be passed on to one of your offspring. Just like a chip off the old block, as you humens say it. The Kyuubi explained with a devious grin.

"WHAT?? then .. that means..."

Yes you idiot, there is going to be a second generation of Tailed Beasts, and Jinchuruuki. But these Tailed beasts will be a mixture of two of the First generation, as we were of the Great Beast. So, whichever other Tailed beast passes on a form, it will merge with my form, and be passed on to the jinchuruki containing the more powerful tail. the lower tails will just pass on a complete copy, like celluler division, i believe thats a topic taught in the land of iron...?
And with that, Naruto returned to bed, in the Hokage's dwelling, because he, Naruto Uzamaki, was the Seventh Hokage.

But there was something that the Kyuubi hadn't told him. And that was that he had already mated with the Great Beast, and the Great Beast would unlock the Uzimaki Kekkai Genkai inside of the Male twin. And that kekkai genkai was the ability to have 2 Tailed beasts inside him.
heh heh heh The Kyuubi chuckled That boy is going to be a powerhouse. This will be an Era to end all Eras.

End of Chapter 1!!!