About commisions!


Just doing this journal because I thought that it'd be good to share here all my commision info.

This is for dA users who want to commision me through the point payment.


• 1-9 points: A sketch of one character.
• 10-25 points: A clean lineart of one character. (*)
• 26-49 points: A simple coloring of one character.
• +50 points: A finished artwork.

• For sketches, add 3 points per additional character.
• For linearts and the rest, add 10 points per additional character.
• Chibis linearts will cost 10 points.
• Chibis full color, 25 points. Add 10 points per additional character.
• Faces and OC designs for 10 points. (**)

(*): They usually have some color. Normally the eyes and some deatils are colored.
(**): You can request for a fast coloring, it doesn't cost.

What I won't draw:

• Things that don't obbey my moral. My moral is kind of weird, but usually correct. So, we'll have to talk if you request a pr0n, shota, yuri, yaoi commision. Don't worry, I don't bite.

About waiting time:

• Well, I am slow with commisions since I have some shoulder issue and sometimes it's very painful for me to be sit down on my computer in my weird position, drawing. So, the time that will take your commision to be complete may change. Usually, one month. Don't expect anything before the month.
Also, I am slow because I go to University. I wish I could carry my tablet with me to my lessons, but sadly I can't ;w;

Other stuff about commisions:

• Backgrounds are my selection. If you want a specific bg, tell me.
• References are always welcome and a must if you want me to draw your already created OC/characters I don't know.
• Payment ALWAYS goes first. I won't start your work if you don't pay.
• Once finished, you can use your commision for icons, wallpapers, graphics, anything you want but commercial use. Remember to credit me everytime you can.

• If you agree these simple rules, send me a message with your request ♥

You can find me on dA here: http://megasak.deviantart.com

Thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥
