welcome to melancholy paradise! This is my one world, and I cram if full of miscellaneous things: pictures, videos, rants, boring things about me, and occasional hauls. yup.
- Created By stickywicket
you to do it too! <(0v0)>
ONE question.
ONE chance.
ONE honest answer
That's all you get.
Respond even if you're not tagged
You get to ask me ONE question.
Write it to my inbox or comment on this post.
Any question and I have to promise to answer them truthfully.
No catch.
But I dare you to re-post this and see what people ask you...
Bet you won't do it.
does anyone want to know anything about me?? no? aw, come on; ask me something! anything...
Full moon mini tin <3
here's a bigger picture of the tin I got yesterday. I really really like it. so cute and small... it was $0.90. ...new stuff!
yesteday I went shopping and got a lot of new stuff that I'm excited about! new shoes, Full Moon v.5, hand soap(cherry blossom), foaming han...shugo chara... so kawaii!!
shugo chara--- I have discovered its cuteness. and now *seriously* my life will never be the same.
so I changed my avi to Amu, from shugo chara *^-^* I kept thinking my haruhi avi made it seem like I was yelling when I left comments... and that bothered me. I also feel it made me seem desperate. (b/c of the yelling thing. I would say something like, "wanna be friends?" and I think it came off more like, "WANNA BE FRIENDS?!?!". yah. I worry about these kinds of things.
it's the new google!! www.bing.com has it all. and the picture results are way better. Google always turns up with totally random stuff. Bing is better. just wanted to let you people know that... (^-^)