Pets At Home - Derby

I recently purchased a new fish tank and was eager to stock it. Being an experienced fish keeper (Me and my family have been keeping and breeding certain types of fish for many years), I knew exactly what I wanted and the requirements for them. So, with that in mind, we visited this store and they had EXACTLY what we wanted. I was thrilled!

HOWEVER, this did not prove a simple task at all! Why? A young sales assistant who thought she was the expert on all the fish breeds there even though she looked barely out of her teens.

I asked for my three breeds of fish and every time she came back with something negative and, frankly, untrue about them in some strange bid to assert her supposed 'intelligence' on the subject. She asked what fish I already had and practically told us that we shouldn't have bought them in the first place, which is not even her business. Then she told us that we should buy a female Siamese Fighter to go with our male. Was she serious?! Then said "don't get anything bigger than your fish that you have and don't get anything smaller either." No offense, honey. But, what DO we get then? Every fish we asked for she refused to sell us even when I corrected her on several mistakes she made and assured her of my experience.

Then the manager was called upon who was only young herself. The manager seemed to know even less and insisted we buy Neon Tetras to go with our Ghost Knife!

Really, Pets At Home? I mean... REALLY!? Get better, more educated staff who are experienced fish owners and not some silly little young girls who probably own nothing but kittens.

I will NOT be purchasing from you. You obviously don't want customers, since none of your fish are good enough to go in other peoples tanks.

Also... REMOVE YOUR DEAD FISH! You had a ton when I was there.
