

Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 172 cm
Favorite Color: Orange
Screen Name: Sakura-Dust
Favorite Show: House MD (TV series, I don’t watch other shows)
Your Car: my dad’s XD
Your Hometown: Bucharest
Your Present Town: Haven’t moved XD
Your First Crush's Name: Albert
Your Grade: Last highschool year, 12th


Sat on your rooftop? No
Kissed someone in the rain? No
Danced in a public place? Yeah… Although I don’t usually dance ^^;
Smiled for no reason? So very often
Laughed so hard you cried? I almost always do that… That’s why I can’t wear make-up
Peed your pants after age 8? Yup, I laughed too hard XD
Written a song? Poetry
Sang to someone for no reason? I’m tone deaf , no singing from me XD
Performed on a stage? No
Talked to someone you don't know? That’s the first step on the road of friendship 8D
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Neah
Made out in a theater? That would be rude… no
Been in love? Yup


Say HI to you? I don’t remember .___.” My friends never say hi, they all skip the small talk XD
Tell you, I love you? A classmate
Kiss you? My best (girl)friend XD
Hug you? Mom
Tell you BYE? Lucy
Write you a note? Ana (maths is boring, what else to do)
Take your photo? I hate being photographed, but I think Stephanie
Buy you something? Me XD
Write a poem about you? No one ever did it ;__;
Touch you? …me XD I just scratched my head a few seconds ago


Time you laughed? A few minutes ago
Time you cried? Yesterday, it was a show about the Animal Police
Song you've sang? Tone deaf, no songs
Time you've looked at the clock? Half an hour or so ago
Drink you've had? Pepsi
Book you've read? Belle de Nuit
Food you've eaten? Pie
Shoes you've worn? Black, high heeled ones
Store you've been in? Mega Image
Thing you've said? Hahaha


Write with both hands? No
Whistle? No
Roll your tongue in a circle? Yup XD
Cross your eyes? Yeah
Touch your tongue to your nose? No
Dance? No
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Nigh owl o____o
Speak a different language? Yes
Impersonate someone? I’m pretty good at imitating… *cough* never mind >.>
Make a card pyramid? Haven’t tried
Cook anything? I call myself chef XD


If I were a ... smarter person I wouldn’t go through so much stress right now..
I wish ... I would just go to college already
So many people don't know that ... I’m always hungry XD
I am ... fangirling continuously
My heart is ... doki doki suru XD


I'm not in the mood to tag anyone... but nomad009 XD
