this is my world where i shall post happy things thoughtz n whatever!!!!i guess my personality has changed from last year..but idk...but now life is all good and wonderful and full of happiness(sometimes)ok so thats a lie life hasnt gotten better but there aer those awesome moments!!

friends are welcome to post if they want to u can ask..cuz more than likely ill say yes!!!! luv ya all!!!

this is so schweet!!!

red lodge is awesome and volleyball is awesome n i already sorta made awesome friends and i love it here!!!!goodbye loserville hello city of awthumness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


itz happenin rite here in montana im moving to red lodge!!im so friggin stoked!!!!

today is gud!!!!!

tonite is the concert and im so hyped up!!!!n i also mite move to red lodge!!!!!so i mite finally get out of harlem's hell hole!!!!!!ya hoooooo!!!!!!!and i mite get to go 2 red lodges new high school as a fresh fish1!!!im so hyped up baby!!!!!!

in red lodge

again waitin 4 my lil cuz to get here wid his dad..n waitin 4 tha concert and workin on my first manga but i dubn have any access to a scanner sadly..hope u all r doin gud n will do gud cuz when school starts i wont be on if u want me celly number jus om me

hot and boring!!!

it is hto and blazing and terrible!!!and most of all boring!!!!!!!!!!1but..on august 10th i get to go to kelly clarkson's concert in billings!!!!!!!whoot!!!!!party ovr here party ovr there!!i cant wait!!!