today i asked out my crush and he said hell think bout it..and for him it mostly means yes!im so happy...he said that hed tell me tomoro and i hope he does!eep!


god this saturday is our dance and im freakin out!what if a guy asks me out to the dance?? do i say yes?do i say no?WHAT DO I DO?!i need help T^ confused and i wana ask this guy to go to tha dance wid me but i dont kno how to ask him!HELP ME!
whoot!todayz halloween!and im guna go all ovr town and score some free candy!but i hate my grama kuz she wont let me go pass the trackz!(railroad goes through town)but ya and i kant stay out that late kuz i got in troubl..AGAIN!but ya im so happy today is halloween!

happy halloween ladybugz and gentle beetlez!catch yall lata!
WHoot!im on the honour roll!i got like 3.9 or a 3.8 gpa! yes!im so damn happy! and gud luck to Amber in math i know she realy needs it!!and im trying to read a book called New Moon and itz boring and stupid...srry Twilight Fans but i dont realy like the book....i can write romance but i cant stand reading it!but yay im on the honour roll!im so damn happy!and yes im a nerd but im a nerd with style!jus kidding but ya i guess im a nerd and too bad if u hate nerds kuz im one
ok so the relationship wid my ex dint exactly work out so i got asked out by anothr guy and i kant keep up wid my account ya and if u want my numbr to kall me jus Pm me for it kuz i cant keep up