this is my world where i shall post happy things thoughtz n whatever!!!!i guess my personality has changed from last year..but idk...but now life is all good and wonderful and full of happiness(sometimes)ok so thats a lie life hasnt gotten better but there aer those awesome moments!!

friends are welcome to post if they want to u can ask..cuz more than likely ill say yes!!!! luv ya all!!!


first chinese for lkunch and then Cracker Barrel for dinner?! and to top it all off i got a blue raspberry arctic rush for desert!!!I LOVE MISSOULA!! BEST MONTANA CITY EVER!!!but i still dont like them grizzlies!!!

ah...gettin what i want and then swimming

was the perfect combo today!now i feel relaxed and ready to run around in circles. the circle part is usual!!:) and well i got three tanks, two shirts and a pair of LIME GREEN FLIP FLOPS!!!it was the first time i found the flip flops of my dreams!!!lolz! my summer so far?.....FREAKIN AWESOME MAN!!! lolz! but it kinda cold in red lodge but i'm lovin missoula, its weather and its hot guys!!(they all look older than me!! >[) haha so hows all ur dudes n dudettes summerz?!i'd love to hear from you all!


haha i didnt get the pixie cut i wanted but i got sort of what i think is a rebellious gurrly sort of hairdo!!!and its really easy to fix and i have such a fun time playing with it!! ...

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i made it threw my freshman year and i feel VICTORIOUS!!!! but now i gotta tackle sophomore year....and i will get caden to be my friend!!!

on a diffrnt note Setven is really clingy and we've only been dating for four days and he wont leave me alone!!!i dont wanna dump him aftr four days but hes not hta same!!! and he wont leave me alone and he literally forces me to txt him when im sick (i have a sinus infection and feel lyyk shit) and he wont stop it!!! what should i do???


I AM AMLOST DONE WITH MY PAPER!!!I JUST HAVE ABOUT TWO OR THREE PARAGRAPHS LEFT AND MY WORKS CITED PAGE!!I ACN ALMOST SAY THAT I AM VICTORIOUS! but the downer is that i have a power point final that im not even close to finishing!!!T.T but ill work on it!!and hopefully ill get at least a B- in pys. science!!!ugh!!!semster exams are so nerve racking!!!