im bored so heres a funnie pic i tooked with me lil kuz wuz

track meet in Laurel..this is how i did
Shot- 23 4 1/2
disc-46 2 1/2
jave- 52 2
as u can see i did horrible... but the gud news is im on spring break....YAY!!! but idrk if i can go to harlem this weekend..which pisses me off tremendously... oh well luv u dudes...n PCEZ!
hea r me results for yesterdays meet....i did alot worse comparing to last year!!!
last year
Shotput-26 4 1/2
but it was raining and horrible so hopefully nxt tuesday i due betteR!!!
wow...i havent posted on this 4 a while....jus wanna let u chicks n dicks kno that track started and ima kill myself today with tha javelin.... jus kuz i cant run n throw at the same time...lolz jp who knos?
XD- manra
wana talk i got nuthin to do for quiet a while....don don don...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!