this is my world where i shall post happy things thoughtz n whatever!!!!i guess my personality has changed from last year..but idk...but now life is all good and wonderful and full of happiness(sometimes)ok so thats a lie life hasnt gotten better but there aer those awesome moments!!

friends are welcome to post if they want to u can ask..cuz more than likely ill say yes!!!! luv ya all!!!


omg today i dominated goth/punk day man!!butn no one reeli say me outfit kuz i wore my sweater tha whole half hour i was actually in school but i so owned it!! lol and are teachers allowed to take you out of state 4 a field trip?! anyway homcoming uis gud but yestrday freshman got 4th place 4 jock day and omg Marshall had a mohawk today n it was purtty cool n he used glue mixed with egg white, spiking gel, n fruity smellin hairspray..or so he said lol


no skool!!!nyce..but i do have practice tonite @ 5 to 7 and my vball shoes finally came in today!!!so happy!!!and tomorro is my game @ billings!!!(skyveiw is tha skool were playing) and i need to get a planned absence!!!i cant 4 get 2morro at all!!!!!or else im toast!!but 2morro i get to play alot kuz both JV and C play @ tha same time..i think i already told u this..but still im so effing pumped up man!!!!!

nyce mayne!!!

my mom mite come tomorro and im so effing happy bout that considering she was supposta be here last week..but then changed it to wednesday but now its tomorro i hope she can get through!!!!

play time!!

i got to play today and i made a kill and i get to play most of the game at skyveiw on tuesday since JV and C play @ tha same time im so pumped!!!

so i took this quiz...

and my result was....
LeLouch Lambrouge(idk how tospell his last name" width="px" alt="External Image">[/IMG]">

What Code Geass Character Are You?