~Welcome to Meme Tower!
In this world, there will be memes. Nothing else but memes! Enjoy!
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Quote Crescent
Blogging Blowup
AN-IMEzing World!
~ForeverOtaku (Ri-chan)
~Welcome to Meme Tower!
In this world, there will be memes. Nothing else but memes! Enjoy!
Visit my other worlds!
Quote Crescent
Blogging Blowup
AN-IMEzing World!
~ForeverOtaku (Ri-chan)
Been ages since I posted a meme!
Stolen from mootouman:
Your Loli/Shota side:
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You love sweets and cute things.
[x] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends. (Not often, but sometimes)
[x] You blush simply thinking of sexual things. (I probably would >///>)
[x] People often call you cute. (My friends do)
[x] You care a lot about your friends.
[x] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements. (Sometimes)
[x] You like bright, soft colors.
[x] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs. (I like all types of music)
[ ] You add things to the end of your friend's names. (Once in a while to one of my friends)
[ ] People often say "aww" when you've done something clumsy/silly.
[x] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship.
Total: 10
Your Tsundere side:
[ ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside, when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside.
[ ] You often hide your true feelings for someone.
[ ] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you.
[x] You are protective.
[ ] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still on the inside worried that you've hurt them.
[x] You are easily embarrassed.
[x] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them.
[ ] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings.
[x] You can be violent at times. (When I'm alone)
[ ] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away
[ ] When people say Thank You, you often reply by saying it was for yourself
[ ] You never cry in front of others. (I don't want to cry in front of people, but sometimes I just can't hold it in anymore...)
Total: 4
Your Yandere side:
[x] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly.
[x] When angry, you're normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. (Usually)
[x] You can at times, be obsessive. (I admit it >///<)
[ ] People have said you are "two-faced".
[x] People tell you you're nice, but can be creepy at times. (When taking pictures and I try to squeeze into the picture from behind)
[ ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset.
[ ]People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling.
[x] When you're upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh. (I think that happened a few times)
[ ] You can get very violent. (Not very)
[ ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more. (I mostly like to help people ^^')
[ ] You like slow, sweet, but twisted songs.
[x] You like colors like dark blue or light red. (A little)
Total: 6
Your Kuudere side:
[ ] You don't show your emotions to others.
[ ] You hide your true feelings. (all the time)
[ ] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up.
[ ] Although you don't show it, you are easily made happy. (I'm usually always happy)
[ ] You care for others a lot, still you don't show it. (I try to show it)
[ ] People think you are mysterious.
[x] You can be shy.
[ ] You aren't very loud, rather silent. (What my teachers think T.T)
[x] You know who to trust and who not to. (Sometimes :T)
[x] You choose your friends wisely. (Idk)
[x] You like simple colors, like light purple or white.
[ ] You are rather mature. (One friend told me that)
Total: 4
Your Dandere side:
[x] You are a shy person.
[x] You are quiet and don't speak up for yourself.
[ ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking. (Only when I'm sad)
[ ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking.
[ ] You have stage fright.
[ ] You are stoic and not very open.
[ ] You hide yourself with your hair at times.
[ ] Your face starts boiling when speaking with others.
[ ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird.
[ ] You are afraid of meeting new people.
[ ] You are a hard worker.
[x] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you cherish very much. (I have a few that I love a lot; I think my friends have even more but I love them. <3)
Total: 3
Result: Loli-shota? lol
I FINALLY FOUND ANOTHER FUDGIN MEME OMG *Tears of joy* I missed posting in this world... *Wipes tear*
Stolen from Hifsa who stole TDE:
[ ] you own at least 5 black shirts
[x] you like skinny jeans
[ ] you're listening to music right now
[ ] you have painted your fingernails black before
[ ] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3
[ ] Have attempted suicide (I'm not going to fully answer this one and explain what I mean for personal reasons)
[ ] Like the color black
[ ] hate girly girls (Sometimes, they can be ok, but not all the time)
[ ] have kissed the same sex before
[x] Like to be alone (Depends what my mood is)
[ ] hate popular music
[ ] keep hair in front of your face
[x] give people evil stares (If I'm really pissed off at them)
[ ] Hate your parents or one of them (At times, but not right now :))
[x] Life sucks for you right now
[ ] have been called emo
[ ] Dislike the colors pink, green, teal and baby blue
[ ] own thick-rimmed glasses
[ ] Complain a lot
[ ] own a studded belt.
Total: 4
[ ] own more than 10 minishorts
[ ] own more than 10 miniskirts
[ ] have kissed more than 7 people
[ ] have been called a slut/gigolo/male-whore
[ ] drink a lot
[ ] You wear dark eye makeup
[ ] wear low cut shirts
[x] have been called a tease
[ ] Flirt with everyone
[ ] love the opposite sex
[ ] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week
[ ] wear tight clothing
[ ] own 5 tube tops
[ ] you've kissed more than 2 guys/girls
[ ] Like wearing swimsuits
[ ] Sit on the opposite sex's lap
[x] People hate you (I hope not, but I have this feeling some people do)
[ ] Its nice to be naughty
[ ] you cuss because you think its fun
Total: 2
[ ] own at least 5 jerseys
[ ] Have 10 or more trophies
[ ] Wear hair up almost every day
[ ] Own 5 or more sweatpants
[x] Dont wear makeup (Hardly ever)
[ ] Have/had played lacrosse
[x] Play/played more than 2 sports
[ ] Play sports (I do, but not recently)
[ ] Can play a sport if you've never played it before
[ ] On first string (What does that mean?)
[x] You play/played Tennis
[x] You play/played Basketball
[x] You play/played baseball-softball
[x] You play/played soccer
[ ] You run/ran track
[x] You play/played football
[ ] Been called a jock
[ ] Have set a record
[ ] Are friends with your coach
[ ] Love watching sports (Only if I'm watching the Olympics)
[ ]can do 17 push-ups in 20 seconds
Total: 7
PART FOUR (Doesn't apply to guys):
[ ] Own at least 5 polos
[x] Own at least 5 pink shirts
[ ] Own at least 5 designer bags
[ ] Wear ribbons in you hair sometimes
[x] Love pearls
[ ] Only like popular music
[ ] Read tons of magazines
[x] Love shopping
[ ] Go shopping usually once a week
[ ] Voted prom queen
[ ] Have dated a jock
[ ] Like attention
[ ] Always have your cellphone with you
[ ] Have more than 50 contacts on your phone
[ ] More than 30 guy contacts
[ ] Hate emo people
[ ] Wear make up (Hardly, as I said before)
[x] Is stupid (XDDD)
[ ] Wear heels
Total: 4
[ ] Wear your pants above your belly button
[ ] Wear glasses/contacts
[ ] have/had braces
[ ] In/have been in advanced classes
[ ] On Math team
[/] Have all A's (once)
[x] Have been called a nerd
[ ] Is bullied (Used to)
[ ] LOVE to learn (Depends)
[x] Like your teachers
[ ] Watch history channel
[x] Never go anywhere on the weekends (Most of the time, no)
[x] Have been called weird
[ ] Scared to talk to the opposite sex
[x] Don’t have pictures of yourself on MySpace
[x] Read a book a month in your leisure time
[x] You read on your last spring break
[ ] Have your own website
[ ] Wear pocket protectors
[ ] Done/does test corrections when you got above a 90 on it
[ ] Did/does extra-credit when average is over an 85
[x] Take notes on what the teachers tell you not to worry about.
Total: 8.5
[x] like baggy/ long clothing
[ ] like to talk like a thug
[x] you own gold/ silver chains
[ ] have a flat brimmed hat (What do u mean?)
[ ] like to wear a certain color because of a gang
[ ] you are in a gang
[ ] you mostly listen to rap music
[ ] you own clothes from lines such as ecko, sean john, g unit, 69, south pole, rasta, notorious
[ ] you have a nice sound system in your car
[ ] you never walk... you strut
[ ] you don’t like haters from rival gangs
[ ] you have a thug nickname
[ ] you hate emo people
[ ] you hate punk kids
[ ] you have made a gang
[ ] you can name more than 20 rappers
[ ] you can dance
[ ] you want to rap when you are older
[ ] you love turntables
[x] hate the punks that are in fake gangs.
Total: 3
If you haven't noticed The parts represent the 6 high school stereotypes
Part 1= Emo
Part 2= Slut/man whore
Part 3= Jock
Part 4= Girly (doesn't apply to guys)
Part 5= Nerd
Part 6= Thug
Multiply each number by 3 then repost as_ % Emo,_ % Slut, _ % Jock, _ % Girly, _ % Nerd, _ %Thug
Emo: 12%
Slut: 6%
Jock: 21%
Girly: 12%
Nerd: 25.5%
Thug: 9%
I kinda understand why I got Nerd... a little bit... meh idk
Finally found a meme to post!
Stolen from Hifsa who stole from Morbid Dollie:
1. Did you wake up cranky?
Not really
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
o.0 No
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
5. Can you commit to one person?
6. How do you look right now?
Um, I just took a shower, so I have a towel on my head lol
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
House clothes
8. How often do you listen to music?
Every day
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014?
Depends what happens in the first month of my upcoming school year.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
I'm more of a social person
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I would just be quiet and try to change the topic... :'T
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
Wtf is that?!
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
If those people are spreading rumors, YES I CARE. But if they're not, then sometimes.
16. Are you going out of town soon?
Most likely yes
17. When was the last time you cried?
2 days ago...
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Work on my math workbook. -_-
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Nothing at the moment.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
No '-'
23. Are you nice to everyone?
Pretty much, yes
24. What are you sitting on right now?
On the bed
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
My mom
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
No and I never want that to happen!! O.o
30. Does anyone hate you?
Maybe, idk
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Yes, one of my cousins
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
Depends on my mood
33. Are you a jealous person?
Once in a while
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
The school year of 2010-2011
35. Did you have a dream last night?
Yeah, it was messed
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
I think so
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I know someone has feelings for me. And he confessed.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Idk, maybe
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
Never been in one
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
It hasn't changed much
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
Randomness and derp and chilling
44. What’s the best part about school?
Friends and events :)
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I don't have Facebook
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
Once in a while
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
All the time.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
I was always single
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
Chatted with, idk.
Stolen from Blue Latte:
[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[X] You have your own room.
[ ] You own a cell phone. (Not yet)
[ ] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.
[X] Your parents are still married.
[X] You love your family.
[ ] There is a pool/spa in your backyard.
T 0 T A L: 3
[X] You dress the way you want to.
[ ] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[x] You have never been beaten up.
[X] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[X] Your room is big enough for you.
[ ] People don't use you for something you have.
[ ] You have been to the movies. (DON'T JUDGE ME PLEASE D:)
T 0 T A L: 6
[ ] You have over 500 friends on facebook.
[ ] You have pictures on facebook.
[ ] Your parents let you have a facebook.
[ ] You get allowance/loan.
[x] You collect something normal.
[X] You look forward to going to college (University)
[x] You don't wish you were someone else. (Usually)
[x] You play a sport.
[X] You want to do something after school/college
T 0 T A L: 10
[ ] You own a car/truck.
[X] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[X] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[X] You have friends.
[ ] You've never had a detention
T O T A L: 13
[x] You know what is going on in the world. (A little)
[X] You are happy with your life (It's ok)
[X] You usually aren't sick.
[X] You know more than one language.
[ ] You have a screen name. (What??)
[ ] You own a pet.
[X] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[X] You don't have any enemies
T O T A L: 20
Total over all: 21
times it by 3 = 63
101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F
I got a D... :O As expected when I saw these questions :T
Stolen from Blue Latte who stole from AlexaClyne:
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[ ] You use the term “Azn”
[ ] You think DDR is fun (What's that??)
[x] You’ve watched lots of anime
[ ] You like Korean dramas (Never watched one)
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[x] Your parents want you to marry within your own race (Well, a Muslim basically)
[ ] You drink lemon tea
So Far: 3
[x] You style your hair , NOT with gel
[ ] You have a meebo / myspace / friendster / face book (FS & FB)
[x] You speak languages other than English
[x] Your parents are strict
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You always get A’s/B’s on your report
[ ] You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting
[x] You know your multiplication table
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[ ] You’ve seen the Asian version The Ring and/or The Grudge
So Far: 10
[ ] You own an Asian car
[ ] You’re not the only child
[x] You’ve gotten little red envelopes around February
[x] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do (A little)
[ ] ( girl )You prefer white guys over asian guys ( guy )You prefer asian girls
[x] Your mother/father tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You play video games
So Far: 14
[x] Every time you’re going out, your parents ask you where you’re going and what time you’ll be home (If I did, then yes they would. My mom's overprotective of me)
[ ] You have karaoke at home
[ ] You know BoA/Gazette/Ayumi Hamasaki/Gackt
[ ] You’ve been to a LAN more than 3 times
[ ] You have incense sticks in your house
[ ] You own a gaming console (NDS)
[x] You play a musical instrument (Piano, clarinet, recorder)
[x] You get nothing if you do well in school
So Far: 17
[ ] Your parents won’t let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] You have Asian Songs on your computer or iPod
[x] You don’t like football (I kinda like soccer, but not foootball. :T It's a bit boring, no offense)
[x] You have a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[ ] You like bubble tea (Never tasted it)
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can “grow into it” and wear it for years to come
[ ] You’ve played final fantasy
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
So Far: 21
[x] You get mostly “No“‘s when you ask your parents for permission for something
[ ] You’ve heard the song “Got rice?”
[ ] You have a tutor
[ ] You’ve had pockys or yan yan before
[ ] When you seek for your mother’s permission she replies “Ask your dad”
(01-10= Southerner)
(11-20= American)
(20-30= European)
(31-40= Azn Boy or Girl)
(41-50= Super Azn Boy or Girl)
I'm European?? I'm actually Asian!