~Welcome to Meme Tower!
In this world, there will be memes. Nothing else but memes! Enjoy!
Visit my other worlds!
Quote Crescent
Blogging Blowup
AN-IMEzing World!
~ForeverOtaku (Ri-chan)
~Welcome to Meme Tower!
In this world, there will be memes. Nothing else but memes! Enjoy!
Visit my other worlds!
Quote Crescent
Blogging Blowup
AN-IMEzing World!
~ForeverOtaku (Ri-chan)
Stolen from Blue Latte who stole from cloud55strife:
Do you have a crush right now?
What is your favorite color?
Blue, purple, all neon colors, gold, silver, and a little bit of pink
What about your favorite animal?
Owls, Koalas, Kittens, Puppies, and Pandas
Choose one ... ;) =) >:D :-{D
Did you ever have an F on your report card?
No. If I did, I would freak out insanely
What about straight A's
Once or twice
If you could go back in time and change one thing that you did, what would it be?
One of my mistakes that caused a lot of pain
Do you enjoy singing?
Yes, it's one of my hobbies! ^-^
If so, has anyone ever told you that you can sing well?
My best friends
Again...Choose one...<3 , ><> , * , @(^_^)@
Um... <3
Are you listening to music right now?
If so, what song are you listening to?
I'm not
If not, what song do you WANT to be listening to?
Like a Vocaloid song lol
What is your favorite subject in school?
Math, Gym, Drama
What is the month of your birthday?
Do you like country music?
A little
What about rock?
It's ok
If you had to eat one fruit for a month straight...what would it be? oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, or kiwi? (or other)
June Plums!! ♥
Do you like roses or tulips better?
Can't choose!
Ashley! ?_?
Was the name that you just thought of a member of your family?
What about a close friend?
Ok...what about your crush?
Do you watch SpongeBob?
I don't have cable, but I've watched it twice or thrice
What is the name of your best friend?
Not saying for personal reasons
Do you like fish or chicken more?
Are you a vegatarian?
What about your steak...Rare, Medium, or Well done
I'm Muslim, can't eat steak for religious reasons
Did you like this random survey?
Last thing.....Pick a # out of these... 1,2,4,7,14
Um... 7...?
Stolen from Blue Latte who stole from Felcie:
[ ] One of your parents is dead
[x] You are expected to do a lot of chores
[X] You love to dress up
[X] You love animals
[X] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[x] Your mom is really strict
[ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
[X] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes
[ ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
[ ] You have blonde hair
Belle (Beauty And The Beast)
[ ] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like
[ ] You've been lost in the forest
[X] You love to read
[ ] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
[ ] One of your family members is a bit weird
[X] You have done volunteer work
[X] You have a wild imagination
[x] You love to take care of people in need
[x] You've had guys like you only because they think you're pretty (There's one guy who likes me, and that's the only one. He likes me cuz he thinks I'm pretty)
[ ] You've rejected at least one person when they've asked you out (No one has asked me out)
Total: 5
Jasmine (Aladdin) :
[ ] Your dad is VERY rich
[ ] You are very clever
[ ] You've been with someone way different from you
[ ] You're unique and different from everyone else (I guess I'm unique, but I'm not totally different)
[X] You'd never marry someone just because they were rich
[X] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
[X] You don't have a lot of (good) friends (I have the average amount :T)
[x] You're independent
[ ] You are wealthy
[x] Your parents try to control your life (... Don't judge me)
Ariel (The Little Mermaid) :
[X] Your parents expect a lot from you
[X] You really try to follow the rules, but its hard for you
[X] You're a bit of a trouble maker
[ ] You're the youngest in your family (I'm an only child)
[ ] You have a lot of sisters
[ ] You collect something (Used to)
[X] You have/had long, hair
[ ] You have/had a pet fish
[X] You're extremely curious
[X] You believe everything people tell you/you're a bit gullible (It depends who's telling me)
Snow White :
[ ] You know that you're beautiful (I'm not beautiful, but I guess I'm decent... ._.
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[X] You have at least seven good friends
[ ] You've almost been killed
[ ] You've had food poisoning
[ ] You have/had short hair
[X] You get along with almost everyone
[X] All of your friends are different (Some of them, that's what makes them unique)
[X] You love to have a good time
[x] You're happier when you're out of the house than in
Mulan :
[X] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[ ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
[ ] You've pretended to be someone you're not
[ ] You've had a physical fight with someone
[X] You have/had considered running away from home
[x] Your parents try to plan your life out
[ ] A lot of your friends are boys
[X] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
[X] You love your family so much that you'd do anything to protect them
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) :
[ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[ ] You almost died at a very young age
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
[x] You have a decent singing voice
[X] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
[ ] You spend most of your time outside
[ ] You're adopted
[x] You're very romantic (Kinda hee hee xD)
[x] Pink is one of your favorite colors
[X] You love to walk around and explore big cities
[ ] You are more spiritual than religious
[ ] You've been in an interracial relationship
[ ] One of your family members is dead
[x] Someone you know has been in war
[X] You love nature
[X] You have/had black hair
[X] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
[X] You're very adventurous
TinkerBell (Peter Pan) :
[X] You get jealous easily
[ ] You loved your childhood (Back then, it was terrible)
[X] You like to fly (lol)
[ ] You believe in magic
[ ] You're 5'2 or under
[x] You hate pirates
[x] You love sparkles
[X] People underestimate you
[ ] You get angry easily
[ ] You have/had a treehouse
Alice (Alice In Wonderland) :
[ ] You have/had a pet rabbit
[x] You love to play cards
[X] You constantly need to know the time
[X] You get in sticky situations
[ ] You have been to court
[X] You have fallen asleep while doing homework
[ ] You have had a tea party
[ ] You love hats
[ ] You are constantly lost
[ ] You know how to play croquet
Meg (Hercules) :
[ ] You're boyfriend is strong (I don't have one)
[X] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
[ ] You are very convincing
[X] You have fallen in love before
[X] You have had your heartbroken (A little...)
[ ] You love Greek mythology
[X] You lie sometimes (Only when it's really nessessary)
[ ] You pretend to be someone you're not
[x] You have been used
[x] Purple is one of your favourite colours.
I'm Cinderella, Ariel, Pocahontas, and Meg. o.o That's a lot.
Stolen from Blue Latte who stole from sweetdevil.
[x]You’ve never done illegal drugs.
[ ]You have a lot of friends. (Not a lot, but I love each and every one of them ♥)
[ ]You get along with everyone. (Not with the people who annoy me)
[x]You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months.
[ ]You love soccer.
[ ]You love baseball.
[x]You’re into writing and art.
[ ]Favorite music genre is pop rock.
[x]You believe in "innocent until proven guilty" theory. (Depends)
[x]One of your favorite colors is red or gold.
[ ]Good grades at school. (They're ok, but not the best)
[x]One of the worst things you can do is lie.
[x]You plan on going to college/university.
[ ]You're content with mostly everything in your life right now. (Not mostly)
[x]You laugh a lot.
[ ]You like to follow trends. (I don't really follow them)
[x]Politics suck. (lol I don't really get them, that's why)
[x]You love to swim.
[ ]Water polo is awesome. (I've never played it, or watched a game)
[x]Pink is one of your favorite colors.
[x]Black is morbid & depressing. (Sometimes)
[ ]You're an optimist. (._.)
[ ]You're completely straight edged.
[x]You're very emotional.
[ ]Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre.
[ ]You don't believe in going steady at a young age. (What??)
[ ]You've made fun of at least one person this week.
[x]You're depressed to a certain extent.
[x]You love to read.
[x]You appreciate theater & arts.
[ ]Sports suck.
[x]You're shy.
[x]Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship. (One of the most important things)
[ ]Hate is completely unneeded.
[ ]Indie is your favorite genre of music.
[x]Every once in awhile you have little anger outbursts.
[ ]Lying is sometimes okay.
[x]Blue is one of your favorite colors.
[ ]Serious is better than funny.
[x]There's at least one person you hate.
[ ]Basketball is a good sport.
[ ]Football is amazing.
[ ]Black is a cool color.
[ ]You've lied about something serious.
[ ]You're a very deep person.
[x]You have considered suicide.
[ ]Very loyal.
[x]You like metal.
[ ]They make school seem more important than it is.
[x]You're scared to grow up.
[ ]You've done drugs in the past month.
[ ]Anger is one of your primary feelings.
[ ]You have trust issues.
[x]Guilty until proven innocent. (It depends)
I belong in Ravenclaw...
Stolen from Blue Latte:
ONE - Spell your name without vowels -- Otaku user: Frvrtk
TWO - Are you single? -- Yes.
THREE - Whats your favorite number? -- 26
FOUR - What color do you wear most? -- Pink and blue
FIVE - Least favorite color? -- Green. Doesn't look good on me at all xD
SIX - What are you listening to? -- Nothing at the moment
SEVEN - What do you smoke? -- I don't smoke.
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now? -- Meh
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? -- No ._.
TEN - What is your favorite class in school? -- Math and Gym
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenotes? -- I shopped at Bluenotes once
TWELVE - How do you make money? -- I don't make money... >.>
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend? -- I have a lot of best friends
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school? -- Toronto.....
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing? -- You can say that :)
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you? -- Um... nice...?
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes? -- Nike or something :T
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses? -- Yes, but I look like a kidnapper in them -_-
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now? -- Nowhere at the moment
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now? -- Nothing.
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now? -- Yeah :"|
Honestly, what color is your underwear? -- Why do you want to know?!
Honestly, whats on your mind? -- Why that question was stalkish-like
Honestly, what are you doing right now? -- Eating and doing this meme
Honestly, have you done something bad today? -- No...
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? -- No, I don't have cable D:
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? -- My mom
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? -- Idk, like math questions that are impossible to answer
Honestly, do you bite your nails? -- No
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? -- Not really
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? -- I wouldn't say big...
Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? -- No, I love all my friends!
Can you blow a bubble? -- Yes, kinda
Can you dance? -- ...NEXT...
Can you do a cart wheel? -- No -_-
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? -- o.o Is that possible??
Can you touch your toes? -- Yes...
Can you whistle? -- Kinda
Can you wiggle your ears? -- Yes, it's funny to watch myself do it XDDD
Can you wiggle your nose? -- No
Can you roll your tongue? --Yes.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? -- ?_? No
What do you do when you’re mad? -- Try to compose myself and calm down
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? -- I threw stuff, the biggest thing I threw was a chair...
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? -- Probably not
Do you swear when you’re mad? -- Sometimes when I'm alone.
Ever really cried your heart out? -- Yes.
Ever cried yourself to sleep? -- Yes
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? -- Yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex? -- Yes.
Ever cried over the same sex? -- Yes.
Do you cry when you get an injury? -- Yes
Do certain songs make you cry? -- Yes
Do certain movies make you cry? -- Yeah.
Are you usually a happy person? -- Yup.
What makes you the happiest? -- Being with my friends and having fun ^-^
Does being with your friends make you happy? -- I just said that XD
Do you believe in yourself? -- Sometimes
Do you wish you were happier? -- At the moment, yes
Is being happy overrated? -- WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HELL NO!!
Can music make you happy? -- Yes
How many times have you had your heart broken? -- None really
Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? -- Idk maybe
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said ‘I love you’? -- No...
Do you actually hate anyone? -- Yes
Ever made a hit list? -- lol no
Have you ever been on a hit list? -- Idk, I hope not
Are you a mean bully? -- I'm not a bully o.o
Do you hate George Bush? -- lol idk
Is your self-esteem extremely low? -- Not THAT low, but at times yes. Not right now though
Are you good looking? -- *Looks behind me* Who are you talking to? Me?? My friends call me cute and pretty but I just think I'm decent
Do you wish you could be someone else? -- Not really, sometimes I guess
What is your current hair color? -- Black.
Current piercings? -- Ear piercings
Have any tattoos? -- No
Straight hair or curly? -- Straight and wavy
What shirt are you wearing? House clothes
Shoes? -- No.
Necklace(s)? -- No
Hugged someone? -- Yes.
Been on the phone until the sun came up? -- No
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? -- Not like peeing until I'm done but maybe just a little XDD
Laughed so hard you cried? -- I think so
Got in a fight with someone? -- Not really
Person you talked to in person? -- My dad
Person you hugged? -- One of my friends, whoa it's been a while
Do you like surveys? -- Yes
Do you get along with your parents? -- Usually
Do you have mental breakdowns? -- Yeah, once in a while
Current mood: -- Meh
Current music: -- The current song that I like is Best Song Ever
Current hair style: -- Bleh, it's just out and wavy
Current crush: -- Someone at school ♥
Current thing I ought to be doing: -- Nothing really
Current windows open: One
Current desktop picture: Windows 7 wallpaper. Ewww, need to find something to put up
Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? -- No. o.o
Did you ever run away from home? -- No
Did you ever want to be a doctor? -- Yes, I want to be a doctor when I grow up *Little kid moment* XD
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? -- No.
Do you know how to swim? -- Yes
Do you like roller coasters? -- Yes, I'm a huge thrill seeker
Do you own a bike? -- Yes
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? -- Most likely, no
Does hair loss run in your family at all? -- Not really.
Does your car get good gas mileage? -- Idk
Does your family have family picnics? -- Sometimes
Have you ever been on a plane? -- Yes
Have you ever been to the Ocean? -- No
Have you ever painted your nails? -- Yes
How did you find out about facebook? -- I don't remember
How many of your friends on facebook have you met in person? -- I don't have facebook
How tall are you? -- 5 3"
How much money do you have on you right now? -- None, I'm broke.
Last person you hung out with? -- My cousins, at a BBQ
Last thing someone said to you? "Did you finish your breakfast yet?"
Last thing you said out loud? "EEEKKKK!!!!!"
What are you listening to? -- I think I already answered this
What is the weather outside? -- Sunny
What radio station do you listen to? Kiss 92.5
What was the last restaurant you ate at? -- I don't remember
What was the last thing you had to drink? -- Milk
What was the last movie you watched? -- Idk
I'm obsessed with memes. I've lasted 5 days without posting one... MUST POST ONE NOW!!!!
Stolen from Blue Latte who stole from Angel Zakuro:
[ ] You carry a mirror everywhere.
[ ] You carry beauty supplies everywhere.
[ ] You put others down.
[ ] You flaunt or brag about yourself.
[ ] The only topic that interests you is you.
[ ] You don't listen to others problems.
[ ] You wear booty shorts.
[ ] You wear makeup. (I only wear makeup for special occasions, not all the time)
[ ] You enjoy attention.
[ ] You like to do things YOUR way and YOUR way only.
Result: 0
[ ] You feel negative about your body image. (Not everything)
[x] You don't have a lot of money.
[ ] You don't have good grades. (They're ok, but I'm aiming for 80s and 90s)
[x] You're insecure.
[ ] Your living conditions aren't the best.
[ ] You cry a lot. (Used to, but now I'm working on holding it in for a breakdown that only happens like once a month)
[ ] You are bullied.
[x] You've never been in a real relationship or have been in a bad one.
[x] You don't attract all the girls/boys.
[ ] You think everyone else has better things. (Not everyone)
Results: 4
[ ] You eat a lot. (I don't eat a lot but I really want to eat a lot, LOL!)
[ ] You always get more than what you need.
[x] You always have snacks around your house.
[ ] You drink a lot.
[ ] You always have a granola bar or something in your purse.
[ ] You hide food.
[ ] You binge-eat.
[x] You are normally warm.
[ ] You can crack a lot of your bones
[x] You often say, "I'm starving...."
Results: 3
[ ] You are very sexually active. (o.0)
[ ] You have had three or more girlfriends or boyfriends.
[ ] You wear matching underwear.
[ ] You wear a lot of makeup.
[ ] You have fetishes.
[ ] You have looked up porn.
[ ] You are a fan of Yaoi or Yuri.
[ ] You have "fantasized". (????)
Results: 0
[x] You have not had a real relationship.
[ ] You go to anger management classes or used to.
[ ] You have to take special pills.
[ ] You are aggressive.
[x] You hate someone.
[x] You have hurt someone - physically or mentally. (By accident; mentally)
[ ] You back-talk people.
[x] You have gotten detention before.
[ ] You get into fights - verbal or physical.
[ ] You are strong. (Not really physically, but I'm working on mental)
Results: 4
[ ] You often buy things.
[x] You [often] WANT instead of NEED. (Hee hee)
[ ] You have expensive things. (Not really...)
[ ] You put yourself before others.
[x] You can tend to be a little rude. (Once in a while)
[ ] You don't try to save money.
[ ] You own more than two cars.
[ ] You own more than two credit cards.
[ ] You always have to look the best.
Results: 2
[ ] You don't do gym in school or don't try in gym.
[x] You don't have the best grades. (I. Hate. 70s!!!!)
[x] You procrastinate. (I am a procrastinator)
[ ] You go to bed at ten p.m.
[ ] You often take naps.
[ ] You fall asleep in classes.
[x] You're often called lazy. (By my mom)
[ ] You don't participate in class.
[ ] You do the minimum amount of work.
[ ] You seldom go to church.
Results: 3
I'm Wrath and Envy. '-' I feel weird now...