Stolen from sweetdevil who stole from Kelsey:
Name: Not telling
Birthdate: September 26
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current Location: Toronto
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female
The shoes you wore today: Haven't gone out today
Your fears: Losing all my besties, being involved in violence, death and some other stuff
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: "What time is it?"
Your thoughts first waking up: "Ugh... someone close the damn curtains, stupid sunlight" <- My latest thoughts
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: The face and hair...? Idk xP
Your best physical feature: My hair I guess :T
Your bedtime: I don't have one, on school days I usually go to sleep at 11 but on holidays, like summer vacay, I sleep anywhere later than 12
Your most missed memory: The fun times I spent with my cousin before she passed away. :'(
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi FTW
McDonald's or Burger King: Neither, but if I had to choose one, I would say Burger King
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Aren't they the same thing?? But I guess cappuccino
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: No, I never want to
Cuss: Swearing? Well, once in a while
Take a shower everyday: Now I do, but before I used to shower every other day
Have a crush: Yeah
Do you think you've been in love?: I am right now ♥
Want to go to college: I rather go to university
Like(ed) high school: ...
Want to get married: I guess... but who would want to marry me??
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Usually
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Get motion sickness: No way, I'm in LOVE with roller coasters
Think you're attractive: Best joke EVER!! C=
Think you're a health freak: I like being healthy, but I'm not what you call a freak around it
Get along with your parents: Usually
Like thunderstorms: WHERE?! DX
Play an instrument: In elementary, I used to play recorder. Now I play the violin.
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: I'm pretty sure I did but I don't go too often
Eaten sushi: Yup, for the first time. Yummy~~~
Been on stage: Yes
Been dumped: Never been in a relationship
Gone skating: No :(
Made homemade cookies: Now
Been in love: Yes
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: From a classmate, he was bothering and annoying me a lot so I stole a Sharpie from him as a punishment. lol
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yes
Missed school because it was raining?: Just because it rains, doesn't mean you can't go to school. I've always gone.
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: He found out because this idiot told him
Cried during a Movie?: Yup
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Does extremely cute count?
Had an imaginary friend: Probably not, but when I was little, I used to take all my toys and made up stories with them and stuff.
Cut your own hair: A little bit so no one notices, cuz when I put my hair up in a ponytail, the end part looked really abnormal lol
Had crush on a teacher: WHOAAA no
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: 0-0 no
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope
Been called a tease: A tease? I've been called lots of things that I didn't like.
Gotten beaten up: I wouldn't say beaten up, but I was bullied
Been in a fight: Verbal fights, I think once or twice
Shoplifted: No
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: Like in my mid 20s, after I'm done my studies
Numbers and Names of Children: 1-2 children and haven't thought of any names yet. But too early to decide anyway
How do you want to die?: Of old age
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Doctor/Pharmacist and/or a manga artist for fun
What country would you most like to visit?: Um... not sure...
-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: Dark brown, maybe blue?
Best hair color: Brown or black
Short or long hair: Soft and short hair! <3
Best height: Same height, or a little taller than me
Best weight: Idk, average??
Best first date location: At some romantic place
Best first kiss location: Like at a "OMG I must take a pic of this!!" scenery, like a sunset by a hill or something.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people you could trust with your life: I guess my best friends
Number of CDs that I own: Idk
Number of piercings: Two; ear piercings
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None, but I... or should I say my whole school, has been on the news on tv
Number of scars on my body: None, but I have this little spot on the back of my let hand because a few months ago, I tripped over someone >.>
Number of things in my past that I regret: All my mistakes, which is too many to count
Shampoo: I don't really have a favorite, but I usually use Head and Shoulders and Ivory
Fav Color(s): All types of Blue, Purple, all neon colors, Silver, Gold, and a little bit of Pink
Day/Night: Both
Summer/Winter: Both
Fave Cartoon Character: I have a lot of fav anime characters
Fave Movies: The Hunger Games?
Fave sport: Swimming, Bicycling, Badminton, Ping Pong...
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: House clothes with tights underneath. I know, I know, it's boiling but I don't want to walk around only wearing underwear underneath.
Drinking: None, I'm fasting.
Thinking about: This messed up/lovey-dovey dream that I told my friend yesterday >////<
Listening to: Nothing at the moment
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: No.
Worn jeans: No.
Met someone new online: No.
Done laundry: Yes
Drove a car: No o.o
Talked on the phone: Yes.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: Didn't you already ask that??
Your friends: Of course!
Santa Claus: No.
Tooth Fairy: No
Destiny/Fate: A little bit, but Karma is being really mean with me lately
Angels: Yes
Ghosts: A little bit
UFO's: No
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yeah cuz my name sounds like I'm a boy >.>
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No
Do you like anyone?: Already asked, yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: There's a little bit from each one of my friends who's a little bit like me
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Who's a true friend and I've realized she was a friend, for almost 3 years.
Are you close to any family member?: That I'm related to, my cousin
Who do you hang around the most?: During the summer, cousins, but school time, obviously friends
What's the best feeling in the world?: There are a lot of really good feelings.
Worst Feeling?: And there are a lot of bad feelings too...
What time is it now?: 4:51 pm