(His birthday's really tomorrow, but...yeah ^^'')
Happy Birthday, Ryuken!!!!: Ryuken Ishida Birthday Fanfic
Hearing the quiet sound of birds chirping outside the window, while the sun peeked its way through the open window, I squeezed my eyes tightly hovering an arm over my eyes. "Ugh...it's too early..."
With a sigh, I forced myself to slowly sit up and to stand up as I yawned slowly walking inside the bathroom to meet what looked a zombie from the Walking Dead show I had always watched. "Ugh...." I let out another yawn as I started to wash my face and applied a little bit of make up.
Finished, I walk back in my room toward the tall wooden cupboard as I slowly opened it to look for my school uniform. I sighed as I took it out, "I've always hated skirts back in my world...but for as long as I've been here..I've started to actually like them...hm?"
Just on my wall, well Uryu's wall since I've lived with him for some time, I noticed on what day it was. "March....fourteenth...? Isn't that...?"
With a gasp, I quickly put the uniform on, some white socks and some slips on shoes, I took a tight hold on my school bag and ran outside. "Uryu!!! Uryu!!! Today, it's--!!!!"
Standing in the kitchen, cooking some scrambled eggs, a tall slender man with dark hair and glasses slightly turned his head while he turned the oven off. "Ashley...? What's wrong...?"
Placing a hand on the top of a wooden chair, catching my breath, I placed my bag on top of the table. "Date....M..March...." Uryu blinked while he watched his love, feeling worriment as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Date? What, would you like to go somewhere after school? First let me get you a cup of water.."
"March...four...teen..." I sat down in the chair Uryu pulled out for me to sit in while I took the cup of water and drank. "Today's date? What of it, my darling?" He walked over toward the stove and pulled out a plate and a large metal spoon and poured some scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage on it and walked over and placed it on the table in front of me.
"It's..." I took another drink, "His birthday today...I can't believe I nearly forgot..."
"Hm? Who's birthday?" Uryu blinked while he sat in a chair in front of me. Taking a bite out of a piece of bacon I only smiled, "It's Ryuken, of course!" I sighed again, "Ah...I still can't believe I forgot his birthday..."
"Forget about it, Ashley. Just think of it as another average day. Nothing is." Uryu slowly moved his head down while frowning. I frowned, not believing what I was hearing; I know that both Uryu and Ryuken aren't as lovey dovey as your usual father and son.
Slowly, as I stood up and took my bag while I walked outside, "Alright...just another day..." I frowned as Uryu stood up and also took his bag from the front door. "Yes...another day..."
* * *
While it started to rain quite heavily, Ryuken Ishida stood inside his office while he looked out the large window in front of him, ignoring all of the nicely wrapped presents on his desk. "Hm," He hummed while he took out his lighter and a cigarette pack from his pocket and lit one silently.
Slowly, the director took out his black iPhone to check if he had any messages of any kind and found no one aside from the ones from the hospital. As he coninued to watch the dark clouds roll, he noticed a small girl out in the streets in a frantic;as if she was looking for something or....someone.
"Wait is that...?"
Back in school, both me and Uryu held hands as we walked inside our classroom 1-3; Uryu sat down silently as I continued to frown and sat in the seat behind him. Slowly I rolled my eyes toward Uryu's shiny black head while I frowned with a soft sigh.
This isn't right... I laid her head against the desk staring down at the tiled white floor. It's his birthday..and I think Ryuken deserves to have it celebrated..
"Alright class!!" The teacher, Mrs. Ochi walked in with a grin. "Take ya books out and turn to page 47!!!!"
She bent over and took out her textbook and turned to the page the teacher ordered them all to. While the teacher turned her back and toward the chalkboard and started to teach the lesson, all I had in my mind of when me and Ryuken first met; thinking back as to when he told her that my world was only an illusion and nothing of it.
Maybe...maybe Ryuken's right...maybe my world is...all a lie...
Then, from feeling something hard hit against my head, I squealed, "Ow!!"
I rub my head and looked up to the classmates around me stare toward me while the teacher frowned, "Pay attention, Ashley!! This isn't like you...are you okay? Do you have a tummy ache? Or...?" I frowned while Uryu frowned at my while he glanced at me. "I...I'm okay, sensei..sorry."
She frowned as she pointed her thumb toward the door. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to let you stay outside until you're okay, or just go to the nurse for your troubles." I slowly nod as I stood up while placing a hand on Uryu's broad shoulder; he was going to take my hand and kiss it before I just walked out of the class standing against the wall.
I sighed as I looking out the window on my left to notice the dark clouds and the sound of heavy rain pouring out. "Huh..." With a frown, I took out my black android phone from my breast pocket and turned it on. "Hm...it'll be difficult to find a good present for him..."
I looked around me as I ran out of the school.
* * *
After an hour and a half, I hold a perfectly wrapped present an a bouquet of a dozen white roses while I run toward the hospital in the ice cold rain having no umbrella with me. Seeing the hospital in view, I start to run faster as I had slipped on a small puddle of water and fell down dropping the present and roses.
"No...N-No..." I looked over to see a ripped up present and the mud covering the roses. "No...no!!! R-Ryuken's presents...n-no..!!!! I--!!"
"Miss Ashley..."
I slowly look up to see a tall man with silver white hair, clad in white who was holding out his hand, having a black umbrella hovered over his head.
"R-Ryuken..." I stare up at him while I slowly took his hand while mine shook. "Get up." He pulled me to my feet as I fell against his chest. "R-Ryuken...I...I--!!"
"Shh." He hushed me as he softly held me looking down at the ruined present and roses. "You just being here is enough of a present for me."
"Ryuken...I'm sorry...I...I tried so hard to look for something...anything that you'd like..." I sniffed as I let out a short sneeze. "Let's go inside; you'll catch cold if you stay out side any longer."
I nod as Ryuken helped me inside the hospital and dried me up with some white towels and I took a hospital gown and placed it on and sat down in a plush chair in his office; Ryuken sat down in his chair studying me. From seeing him, I blushed while I looked away.
"Ryuken...I am so sorry..I..I didn't want your birthday to end up like this...I--"
To stop me he leaned over and pushed his lips against mine as my eyes widened.
"R-Ryuken..." We parted lips as I blinked. Ryuken only smiled, holding my face in his hand, kissing my forehead.
"As I said, you being here is enough of a present for me."