my ear hurt really bad this morning but i went to school anyway, well by the time PE rolled around the pain was unbearable and i was crying so my gym teacher wrote me a pass to the nurse and she looked and then saw that i was crying and told me to call my mum, so i did and she came to get me, first she took me to luch, we had good food from Japanese place, she go a bento and i had sashimi, then she took me to what she calls the "doc-in-a-box" which is the walk in clinic, i got my ear checked and they saw that i had wax build up and it was causing irritation more like unbearable pain=.= and the nurse came in and first gave me these ear drops that soften up the wax, so i had to lay down, and i actually almost feel a sleepXD and it like sizzled, like some one was cooking bacon in my ear O.O and then came the worst part, the nurse too this weird dildo shaped thing(i will post a pic of it when i can) and shoved it in my ear, and it HURT, but it gets worse, she then pulled the handle and shot high pressure in my ear, and it hurt was really an understatement, and then when she was done the doc came in and looked in it one more time and said, "its really raw, you probably had a Q-tip in it." and i was thinking, 'yea cause it probably has nothing to do with you water blasting all the skin off my inner ear!!!' so he basically said it was all my fault>< and then he made us wait like 30min for a frickin sample thing to make sure my raw ear doesn't get infected><
ear rape!!!!!!