this post is for EVERYONE here TheO. thousands of fanfictions on are being deleted for their content. whether its for being based on songs or lyrics, or because they might have some graphic content. a lot of this is because they are trying to censor more sensitive material, and censoring is okay, but destroying someones work is not! there are better ways to keep kids from reading stories that have adult content, like age registration and other methods. i started writing and reading fan fiction when i was young, and i had the common sense to know what to and not to read, and when i started uploading fan fic, i liked the freedom i had to express myself. But now i don't know if i will still have that freedom in the future. please sign the petition below to help convince to stop deleting peoples work!

it doesn't matter if your write fan fiction or not. you don't even have to read fan fic to sign, just sign to help your fellow otakus who do write and read it. thank you!!

p.s. tell your friends!!! put this on your worlds!!

