heya guys!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! how are you all doing? i just wanted to come on theO and brag about what i got and ask you all what you got for Christmas(or what ever holidays you celebrate!!)
i got;
-a hello kitty note pad
-a new pencil case
-some chapstic
-a new sketch book
-a how-to book to learn how to use inkscape(which i really needed XD)
-a new keyboard for my laptop(casue my old one spontaneously stop working DX)
-a set of faber castel artist pens
-a pair of kecoughtan(my high school) pj's
-a cool board game to play with my family tonight ^3^'
- an ALICE COOPER T-SHIRT!!!!!!!!!(which i've wanted forever)
-a toothbrush(are you trying to tell me something mom?XD)
-a pair of new head phones
-a new droid phone (because i dropped mine in a mote...hehe..)
-and a new computer chair(because my old one was a crappy piece of crap that broke, like the piece of crap it was
and thats what i got, my dad got a pretty big Christmas bonus so we had a fun family Christmas. we did a lot of cool stuff together and ate some really yummy delicious foods my favorite part was probably when i got to give my presents! i painted my sister a sign that said mermaids welcome (she is obsessed with mermaids X3 i painted my mom a picture of the old el trains in New York(cause she is a major train nerd) and i painted my dad a poster of our made up band A.Cid and the Base (it was in a comic we made for a science project, kind of like an inside joke now XD he loved it)
i had such a great time, and i would really like to here how everyone on theO celebrated the holidays! leave me a comment!!