The names { Redacted }
This world is just here for fun, don't take anything too seriously.
- Created By mootouman
i really wanna post a fan comic on this website but.. seriously have you seen the crap i post in the fanart section? everytime i look at those monstrocities i wanna throw up (very sure i didnt spell monstrocities right but meh) i shall wait till i get a graphic tablet before i decide to post more ugly pieces of crap on this decent little website.. ~sigh~
Today is quiet
Yet another day of nothing to do and to make it worse i've got really bad art block oh well, to lighten this quiet day, i shall put up yet another stupid picture
More funny pictures
today was completely uneventful so i'll just post a funny photos nyaa
Funny picture
a funny picture before bed nyaa
lately i have been improving my drawing techniques and stuff. i do that mostly in maths and get yelled at for not listening
i find it hard to draw and listen at the same time because when you get caught up in drawing a picture you just tune out of reality. or is that just me?
but to end this somewhat mellow post, today was of average rating. i didnt hate nor like it soooo... thats a first