Does anyone else watch the walking dead? Because this a post will consist of my thoughts about this show so, if you don't like the show you should probably stop reading.
So anyway, the walking dead season 4 has already begun as of a week or so ago. i had a huge spaz when i watched the first episode, no joke i was running around and could hardly sit still. I very much enjoy this show because i have found there are no other popular tv shows with a zombie genre. But before i get into it, No the tv show has nothing to do with Xbox game. The game is also fun though. i started watching this show about a month ago while my friend from out of town was visiting. While staying over at her place she told me about the walking dead. of course i was very interested because... well.... zombies. I love zombies. anything zombie related really. I also really enjoyed highschool of the dead because it combines my 2 very favourite things. Zombies and anime and boobs. So for those of you who have not seen it yet and might be interested in watching i will try not to give much away. The whole series starts off with Rick. A police officer who is seriously injured during a road block thingy i don't know how to word it. While trying to stop two fleeing criminals Rick is shot in the lung if i remember correctly. After who knows how long Rick finally awakes in a hospital bed but by this point the whole zombie appocolpse has already begun.
WARNING, there are some sex scenes but they are normally fairly mild so yeah, just so you know.
I think i've said too much already but you should get the gist of it. Also they don't call them zombies, they are called "Walkers". Which i guess ties into the name of the program, "The walking dead", "Walkers". Yes sooo, there are some chracters who you will hate from the start but eventually come to love them. others though you will probably just hate all together. and then you'll probably find that this whole damn show is crazy and there is no way of nowing what's going to happen next. It's very good and if you haven't watched it yet you should consider watching it. I want to do fanart for it.
My favourite characters are Daryl, Glen and Rick<3