2 Weeks

So let's just say it has been a LONG past two weeks since I was last actually on here. And a lot of really crappy stuff has happened. Basically I had to go see my family, a particular few that I really didn't want to see included, for a really crappy reason. On top of that, I have gone to a total of one of my classes in the past two weeks and I'm really behind. Let's just say, I don't think I'm gonna make the dean's list this semester :T

On top of all the crap of having to go see my family (Don't get me wrong I was glad to see some of them, but the particular few I already mentioned ruin it) I come back to where I live to find out that on top of being annoying, my roommate's parents have been talking shit. Basically, according to them, my roommate and I were super pissed at each other and on top of that I spent over 300 dollars over the weekend, and it was on people other than my roommate and that was one of the reasons she was mad at me. Also because I used the 25$ of gas she gave me to go visit my family.
This is all untrue. I did receive 300 plus dollars from my Dad, but I did NOT blow it all on other people. 20 of it actually did go to my roommate, 150 of it I saved for rent, and the rest either went to food or gas minus 40 dollars that I used to buy myself Nintendo Monopoly (Which was totally worth it... even though I suck at Monopoly). Oh and my roommate and I weren't mad at each other either.
To put it mildly, I was very upset when I heard all of these things :T
There is nothing that I dislike more than when people pull that kind of crap, so yeah... mildly upset =_=

Aside from that, a friend of mine that lives near where my dad does loaned me his 3DS and Pokemon X and so I finally get to play it! I haven't put the thing down for the entire week (:

That's kinda the only good news though from the past two weeks :T the friend that loaned me the 3DS is dating another friend of mine, this friend I've known and been friends with longer, yet she accused him of liking me and pretty much has been being a meanie face to him, and also apparently his best friend actually does like me... (Which makes me even more doubtful that the one that loaned me the 3DS likes me). Overall it's kinda a big icky mess... And there may be some of you that are wondering why I put the someone liking me in the not so great bunch, well that's because I don't deal to well with relationships... or really other people. I dunno, it's not easy to explain, I just kinda don't DO relationships or people or anything that takes more commitment than a sticker.

But sorry for being a total downer (: I just felt like I should post SOMETHING to get back in the game. I finally did something more than sit and watch Netflix or Hulu or play Video Games today so I'm starting to pick up the pieces of my life again, little by little. I really don't want to go back to class though :T but I guess I have to...

That's all for now I guess (: Gonna go back to my pouting and dealing with problems ineffectively
