home from maryland

hey people,

well the trip wasnt all that amazing. i'm too lazy to go into detail about it. But cool part about it, when we went into D.C we saw the white house.. but from really far away >_> they didnt let us get too close because the president was flying in o.o

So the presidents helicopter flew over my head and landed on the grounds of the white house o.o which was pretty neat xD. D.C is freaking sick... i didnt know how awesome it was XD till well.. yesterday lolll

oh and drunk drivers are scary ... on the drive home, we were driving behind one. we were gona call the cops but no one could read the license plate D8... He freaking drove drunk on a bridge too O___O people are morons.

well yeah... thats bout it... i'm tired.. gotta do summer reading... ads;lfkjasdf

have a great day guys :3

