WAS QUITE EPIC. i felt that it was kinda dominated by comic con , but yeah everything was awesome.
I went with my friend Kristin from school. almost missed the train to get there @___@;; hurrdurr. Got to the convention in the early afternoon. Went to the press room, FINALLY MET ADAM!!!!!! WOOO
I'm really short.. blah.
Got a bunch of things at the convention, met Sisero and Giname that was awesome :3 sisero is such a nice person gahh :3 so a table that had Amuria and Ramy's art .. freakin shiny desu ¬_¬
Went to adam's panel. it was pretty interesting for sure : o .
Went back upstairs. I totally creeped out cyanide and happiness lololololol
Eventually it got mad late, pced out. Almost missed the train to go back home.
got home, chilled in my room and yeah :D
it was a pretty good day. i'm just too lazy to type it all out xD