Blah/Happy Valentines Day

Hey guys,

thanks so much to everyone who checked out my picture for the contest on theO :3 if u didnt i would greatly appreciate it ^^

External Image

So reasons for me not posting lately, I just havent been in the mood much? I finally got back on my meds, so maybe that'll make me feel better and such... but yea there's a whole crap load of reasons behind it and such X3 if you guys really wanna know or care to hear it i'll post about it tomorrow or something... but i dont feel like mentioning it now cuz well, nothing is really bothering me now XD.

But something else that's kinda bothering me is Valentines day. I know it's a great time to celebrate love and friendship with ur family and friends, but it does kinda suck when u dont have someone, or if you have someone who doesnt see you that way? (falls into the 2nd boat). I talk to a few people about it, i actually kinda talked to someone about it today... it made me feel better to talk them so that was good X3.

(edit took out a paragraph XD)

so if you guys wanna know bout why i really wasnt posting and w/e just ask ^^''' i dont wana make u guys bored with long posts if u dont want it ^^'''

so have a great valentines day guys

