Hi ppl

Hey guys,

sorry for not responding to the comments yesterday. and i'm sorry for the totally lame post, but i found it necessary. Yes, the art work is very silly... and i wont do it again, but i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to do it X'D it was too lol worthy to pass up X'D

School today went by pretty fast, but i have so much hw to do this weekend cuz i didnt do any of it during the week D: *lazy bum*

Tonight my brother is performing in his school play. They're doing beauty and the beast ^_^ all of the middle school plays suck, but they're so cute X'3 so i'm excited/semi not excited to see them butcher it X'D (oh gosh i'm mean lololol). My middle school plays sucked too tho >.> so meh D:

but yea should be cute X3

have a great day ppl


College Stats:

Applied to 11... (way too many right? DX)
Heard from 4 got into all 4 hell yes!
.... so i'm waiting for the others ;~;
