Hey guys,
i graduated high school today :3 the ceremony was actually really nice and it wasn't too long. i was expecting it to be 2 hrs.. but it ended up only being 1.5 hrs :3
So i didn't trip while walking up to get my diploma thingy... thank god xD i would've died if i did haha. but it was so weird, before we all sat down there were bees inside the building.. like 3 of em.. and it landed on this kids hat that was sitting two away from me.. we were all freaking out lol. he ended up killing it though right b4 we all had to get quiet lolz XDDD... it was weird/funny XD
So after the ceremony we took pictures duh :3. i'll post one tomorrow or something xD... it was sunny outside for when we took pictures.. but then when basically everyone was gone (my family of course was still there lol) the clouds started coming and we heard some thunder. So we went home... took some more pictures at home XD then as soon as we got inside freaking downpour O_O;;;; it was insane.
So much thunder @____@ not a lot of lightning though which made me sad lol. We went out to dinner after the storm let up a bit. I saw lightning bolts from where i was sitting .. it was so weird o_o;;; loool
but yeah... it was a pretty awesome day :D so i'm gonna go now XD lol... BOUNCE INTO CHAT LOL
have a great day guys :3