Intro to Me

Hi theO! I've received many comments from the new member introductions, so I guess I'll just answer the questions I was asked here. You can call me LynLyn, or some variation of that. I'm from Canada. My favourite manga include Skip Beat!, Fushigi Yuugi, and Ceres: Celestial Legend. Those are my long-time favs, but I'm always eager to read new ones. I'm a fan of shoujo manga, and not so much shounen. I have occasionally read shounen, but I still prefer all that mushy romance stuff. Oh, and I'd like to mention that I'm a hard-core yaoi fan. As for anime, well, I was recently introduced to Clannad, but I've only watched one episode so far. It's hard for me to watch anime because my parents don't want me to waste the downloads, or something. I've also watched Skip Beat anime. In addition to all the anime/manga, I'm also a die-hard video game fan. I play Pokemon, Mario, Ace Attorney, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and those are only the well-known ones. Oh and on a side note, I'm in my second year of high school.

That's concludes the introduction to me, but if there's anything else you'd like to know, comment or message. See you soon!

