Anime!!! XD

(I fail, basically forever this post was on another random world lol...)

First... thankyou jessieteam

Fave anime... too many to name lol <_<

But my absolute, absolute faves are... Chobits, Sailor Moon (a remenant from childhood lol), - dammit almost everything I think of I like the manga better T_T - Cromartie High School, all of the Full Metal Panics, Howl's Moving Castle! ... many more I love though! Oh! Inuyasha should get a mention too! I was obsessed with it for a long time and own it now too!

And a recommendation for a great site (if you don't know it already)! It's and on it you can search anime, find new ones read reviews, see screenshots etc. etc. And if you're a member can keep track of ones you've watched/want to watch and how many episodes you've seen etc. etc. Aaaand it's even got a growing list of manga too ... If you're a member or going to join tell me and I'll add you ^_^

A, I guess you could call it equivalent, for manga is it's great too... I love them both!

Now for some Kuro and Fai goodness for everyone

(Ahhh pardon me for my rambling, hope it wasn't too painful ^_^')
