'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'In Persuit of Revenge' - Chapter Seven

~* Ikira *~

I knew Dante didn't want me to step onto the top of the tower. He wanted me to stand aside and allow him to fight his brother solo. Ok, I can deal with that, but when I hear blade clashing and then the sound of flesh being cut? No. That is when I act. I started walking around the circular path toward the top. Luken, too, was curious as to what was going on. So he followed me, knowing he couldn't stop me from ascending if tried; I was too stuburn. I took maybe one step and I heard the sounds stop. I stood still. Someone had won the battle, I just prayed for it to be Dante. Then, the sound of bone striking metal. I knew the sound like no other, as I had done so myself in the past, someone had punched the other's blade. The edge to be specific. I stayed where I was, they were talking as they had done earlier, but once again I couldn't hear it because of the storm. It was then that Luke when running by me, toward the top of the tower. I followed quickly, I smelled blood, Dante's blood. By the time I reached the top, Luke was standing still. Dante had unlocked his own inner demon. I read about it somewhere, that some of the more powerful demons had a state in which they could only enter for a short while, one that came to be known as a devil trigger. Then I saw it, a flash of blue jumping of the edge of the tower, I also felt the insane old man's energy just ahead of Dante's brother. I rushed to the edge and dived. I heard Luken call out to me for me to stop. Too late. I was moving faster then they were and I was catching up quickly. I drew my Zambak. Dante was like my brother, be the boy in blue his brother or not, he would pay. He would pay dearly in blood.

He seamed to notice me then, as he turned in mid air and drew his sword. My face showed my surprise when I saw that it was indeed the legendary samurai sword Yamato from my dream. I could have sworn I saw a small grin slip onto his face as he drew it from the sheathe. I saw a flash and moved. I then felt my right shoulder split open. I was officially amazed. He had struck me with out even being close to me. He saw this and his little grin grew. I growled and streamlined my body enough that I could get close enough to hit him. I lashed out with the right blade and he dodged me.

The ground was approaching fast. I had no choice. I closed my eyes an found the fire that Rykira had given me. I felt my shoulders burn slightly and I stopped in mid air. I had found my wings. I rushed for him and grabbed him by the collar of the vest beneath his coat. His expression faltered. I had to get that blade away from him before he killed me with it. I reached for Yamato and tore it from his grasp, an act for which I paid dearly. Not only had he summoned some sort of energy blades and run me threw with them, but he had torn a gapping gash in my stomach with another one. I then threw him into the side of the tower. I heard a rib or two break on impact and I rushed toward the ground. I never could fight with something on my shoulders, so I had to get rid of the wings. He knew what I was doing and started summoning those freaking blades like crazy as he dived after me. Taking his sword had been a mistake as he was now pissed as hell.

'Shiiit! This is not good! Not good!'

I landed and quickly spun around to use the sheathe of his own sword to shatter one of the blades he had summoned. I learned from that. I could shatter them, so I shed my jacket after dissipating my wings and tossed it to the side along with his blade and placed a barrier of hellion flame around it. He wasn't getting that blade back while I was conscience, unless he was fool enough to reach through the flames after it. The glare his face held made him look absolutely deadly. It was then I noticed something, he was Dante's twin. The only difference was how he wore his hair... He had it spiked the same way I thought Dante's looked good as... I mentally slapped myself to get the thoughts out of my head. Not the time to be checking out a hot guy Ikira...

I grinned and reached into my pocket. I turned on my mp3 and it clicked right to Archetype by Fear Factory. Perfect. I ran at him, my feet striking the ground in beat with the song, one of the sure signs that someone is a rhythm fighter. I had mastered my art, so it was notice or die for him. He stepped back and into a martial arts stance that looked similar to something from the tiger style. I gripped my Zambak tighter in my hands. This was going to get interesting. Or it would have if I could move!

Somehow, in my rage, I had overlooked the moronic old man that I had come to despise. Though apparently he was smarter then he looked because he was he one that had cast the spell, I could tell because of the open book he held in his hand. A feral growl tore it's way through my chest and then through clenched fangs. Wait a second. Fangs?! Since wh-.

"A hellion binding spell. You are no exemption Ikira. Or should I say Rykira's Vessel. It seems she merged with you, other wise there would be no transformation when you went under the spell's effect."

The damn old man knew something I didn't. Though he was right. My body had shifted forms. I was too busy glaring at him to notice the black lightning sparking across my back and limbs, until one bolt when over my face. This binding spell... He was struggling to keep it up. A semi-feral grin slipped across my face and I began to fight back. Or I did until I saw a glowing white feather fall onto my shoulder. I looked at it and realized what it was. I looked up and saw mainly white wings, but between the two massive structures stood Luken. The look on his face screamed for me stop. Then I felt it. This was no ordinary binding spell. I was calm, that is why he was having trouble. I stilled instantly, and calmed that flame that had begun to rise in my center. I dropped the barrier around his sword for a second unintentionally. He took the chance and grabbed it, and my jacket with it. Inside that pocket of that jacket, was Dante's amulet. He told me to hold onto it before we went up the Moonlit Mile. His brother wanted it so he entrusted it to me. I growled at my slip up and doused the flame. I needed out of this binding spell and now. The feather then faded into my shoulder. I felt it. Luken too was working to suppress my power so the bind would break.



What felt like hours passed and I felt a different energy from my own trying to slip in. I opened my eyes, which were now blood red, and looked toward Dante's brother. He was trying to flood my system with his energy to strengthen the binding spell. Luken's feather was not allowing him to do that however. A field of energy was wrapped around my skin and was quickly sinking into it, Luke's barrier to hold off my energy.

Then I dropped. I had been suspended in the air a few feet from the ground where I had come off the ground before going to strike at the darker twin. The spell broke! I rushed toward my favorite old guy and slashed at his book. My Zambak's blade hit it and tore a few pages out, hopefully the ones with that damn spell on them. He jumped back far enough to get out of my immediate attack range. I heard a chain rattle and saw that Dante's brother had found the amulet.

"Drop it. He trusted me with it and I have no intentions of letting you have it. Drop it and play nice, or I'll have to carve that nice body of your's to bits. Understood? So do us both a favor and drop it."

I saw a slight grin come over his face, apparently he liked how I worded what I would do to him, or at least that was my guess. He draw his sword from it's sheathe and dispelled the blades that he had summoned. That in itself hurt. I had become numb to them over the past few minutes, and his dispelling them made me remember they were there. I knew that I was about to be in a world of pain. He was too fast for me to block, and way to fast for me to dodge, especially in this condition as I couldn't even dodge him earlier.

One thought crossed my mind.

'Damn. What I wouldn't do to have Rykira back in my head.'