21st Century Schizoid Man

The third one left to right has demon eyes. All blacked out. D: Looks freaky.

Cat's foot iron claw
Neuro-surgeons scream for more
At paranoia's poison door.
Twenty first century schizoid man.

Blood rack barbed wire
Politicians' funeral pyre
Innocents raped with napalm fire
Twenty first century schizoid man.

Death seed blind man's greed
Poets' starving children bleed
Nothing he's got he really needs
Twenty first century schizoid man.

1. What is your best friend's Mom's name?
I forgot her name but she's awesome. Helped my friend at their ranch once, and she was right there with us chopping down dead mesquite trees with axes and hatchets. She even used a machete on the tougher brush next to old tractor tires. ._.

2. Where is the weirdest place you have a mole?
Weird places already come to mind when u read that so what's point in saying. As for normal places, small one right below left eye and twin ones on my lower neck right below adam's apple. ._.

3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had?
Ms. Sharkey. 8th grade Language arts teacher. Bra busters and ample hips. Always wore long sleeved button shirts and business skirts. All the guys always fought for the seats around the overhead projector. Haha. Brings back memories.

4. Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
Too much of a movie freak to waste money not watching it. Besides thats what cars, empty rooms and hallways are for. :3

5. What body part do you wash first?
Hair. Top to bottom. All the way down to feet.

6. Do you have any piercings?

7. What's the strangest talent you have?
Staying surprisingly cool when shit gets real. Three guys with AK-47s chase after a guy who owes them money through the entrance of a Target where u r just happening to be taking a breather from Cart collecting? Just walk the opposite way they're going(outside). That's right; walk not run. Some coworkers who saw the tape call it controlled shock or just chalk it up to shock, I just say, "you can't prove it! Im just cool like that". lol It was pretty scary but I wasn't run like hell scared like the security guard I was chillin' with. -_-'

8. Do you have an innie or an outtie?

9. What's your favorite flavored Pringles?

10. Have you ever been tied up?
Just for fun at a Party City with fake handcuffs. She thought she was being cute, but in reality, she just switched my beast mode on. >3

11. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for?
I'm Mexican. We didn't get grounded. We got knocked the f@#K out. D:

12. Do you parallel park or drive around the block?
Cracka please! I once drove from South Texas to South California in 19 hours straight. And I rule at parallel parking.

13. Have you ever had two dates in one night?
No. That's not too smart.

14. How many times have you been cussed out?
A lot. Comes with the territory when you look just like ur deserter dad and your mom is always stressed. I love her to death though.

15. Which shoe do you put on first?
Right even though I'm left footed.

16. How old are you?

17. Have you ever been to a gay bar?

18. Is there one thing all of your ex's have had in common?
All Latinas. Not too much diversity in a humble border town. =[

19. Did you french kiss before you were 16?

20. Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?
No and No.

21. Who is the last person you think about before you fall asleep?
Depends on who made an impression that day. If nothing profound, just random images of hot asian chicks. :]

22. Have you ever found anything gross in your parents' bedroom?
Yes and I don't wanna talk about it.

23. What was your childhood nickname?
Pingito Cabron (spanish nickname for the devil, cutesy and for mischievous kids tho), Sancas de Illo (spanish slang for legs of thread. I was a skinny ass kid).

24. When is the last time you played the air guitar?
I don't air guitar. I just finger an air fret board when I get into awesome songs.

25. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room?
Yes :3 Even tho the entrances were on opposite sides of the gym and the rooms were underground, they would share one single wall since they were under the same gym. Ah, memories.

26. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving?
Keep my German Shepherd from jumping out the window. He's very excitable in a car. Got distracted, broke suddenly to avoid a fender bender, and he hit the dashboard. He was pretty calm after that tho. XD

27. Have you ever bitten your toenails?
Gross. No.

28. How do you normally eat your cookies?
With milk.

29. Name something you do when you're alone?
Yell profanities at the top of my lungs if I stub a toe or get really pissed along those lines, it's really liberating. Walk around the house in my birthday suit, also very liberating.

30. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk?
You can't count them with both hands. I have a very high tolerance.

31. Do you have any strange phobias?
Deep water and Raging Nuns with rifles. D:

32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Not intentionally but as I ran home from a dog after school one time, somehow a sticker from a lawn I ran through ended up my nose. It hurt.

33. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done at a bar?
Pick a fight with a bouncer cause we didn't meet the dress code. One of my friends was a vet on temp leave, he started it.

34. Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted?

35. Have you ever called your bf/gf by another girl/guys name?

36. Have you ever played naked twister?

37. Have you ever been drunk at work?
No, but high.(fyi, my mom's first name is Maria and my aunts is Juanita. My grandparents might have been pot heads D:) Mcdonalds sucks so bad that if you didn't let loose once in a while, you'd go on a manager killing spree. Seriously.

38. Have you ever found your gf/bf's sibling more attractive?
Yes. That always sucks.

39. Do you want to bring sexy back?
It was missing?

Hey Saku, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be posting anything. It actually feels pretty good to share stuff. Thanks.
