welcome people! this is just a little place whwer i write about mah life and stuff...so, yeah... just scroll down, w'ever, and enjoy!


i had my family over yesterday. it was fun...NOT! first, we all got sugar high off coca-cola(i got the most sugar high..lol) then one of my mom's friend's son was like "i heard you draw, but i bet they suk!"(i NEVER let ppl see my doodles, unless they're good.) i got really ticked off by that, so i ran in the house, snached up the nearest sketchbook, and yealled "YOU THINK THIS SUX?!?" and then he passed it around to everyone. i was like, all the time, CAN I HAS IT BAK NOW?!? PLZ?? eventually i got it bak, and was then proceeded to be bothered by meh sis and her friend.

hey, does anyone have a gaiaonline account? Mine is HAru-chan-wants-candy. if you dont have one...MAKE ONE THEN WE CAN BE BUDDIES! :] (the coke hasnt worn off yet...^.^') Also, i do avi art. if anyone would like some gaia avi art, PM ME!
example: i just did this one a few hours ago. =]

well, um,later people.


man, its so boring in Massachusetts. i have like nothing to do except schoolwork. oh yeah. my parents signed me up for SUMMER SCHOOL. im not stupid or anything, in fact i have recieved high honors since fourth grade in my school. they thought my math teacher wasnt the best. so now i wake up VERY early,drive to arlington, sit through a boring class(i knoe all this stuff,fyi) and then i has homework. my life sux already, why does it has to sik even more?!? im so flippin bored...and now i has artist's block....TT_TT well, got to go.
later, people.


okay, i'm not a happy person, but then again, when am I ever happy? well, i was actually happy today...for a few minutes...I started doodling in line, i was in teh bak, and behind me were the 6th graders...one of them, i think her name is Stephani...

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i'm tired of my class.

grrr...not happy right now! all of my 8th grade classmates are acting like total retards!!! we actually just got our canobie lake trip taken away..because of them. I'm SO TIRED OF THEM! we are getting all of our 8th grade privelages taken away cause of them..and it sux even more because everyone hates me in my class for a few reasons...
1) MY mom is the school librarian
2) Our homeroom teacher loves me, and mah 2 friends
3) I'm always the one that speaks my mind, and gives ppl 'attitude'
meh, who cares about them...I only have abour..8-9 days left of school so imma enjoy them while I can!!
OMG MAH SPANISH TEACHER, MR.McCLENEY IZ ON YOUTUBE!! LOOKEY! *sigh* washington D.C, good times, this is totally teh highlight. nuff said. too bad he left...to go to 'law school' o well...