
i had my family over yesterday. it was fun...NOT! first, we all got sugar high off coca-cola(i got the most sugar then one of my mom's friend's son was like "i heard you draw, but i bet they suk!"(i NEVER let ppl see my doodles, unless they're good.) i got really ticked off by that, so i ran in the house, snached up the nearest sketchbook, and yealled "YOU THINK THIS SUX?!?" and then he passed it around to everyone. i was like, all the time, CAN I HAS IT BAK NOW?!? PLZ?? eventually i got it bak, and was then proceeded to be bothered by meh sis and her friend.

hey, does anyone have a gaiaonline account? Mine is HAru-chan-wants-candy. if you dont have one...MAKE ONE THEN WE CAN BE BUDDIES! :] (the coke hasnt worn off yet...^.^') Also, i do avi art. if anyone would like some gaia avi art, PM ME!
example: i just did this one a few hours ago. =]

well, um,later people.
