sShock just shocked right now...there are so many things going on in my life...well, first...i just leartned, that i won greenkatz10's contest. I just entered because i thought it was a creative idea. I didnt know i was gonna even PLACE! let alone, get first...=] im actually happy anout that, and it was one of my first contests that i entered...:]
also, my friend, that I am REALLLY close going away to London,England...TOMMORROW. FOR A MONTH. she's not coming bak till aug. 13. im so sad....usually we hang out. A LOT. she always comes over, and now, i wont have anyone to hangout with....
oh, and she wants to sell my drawing for big bucks.
well, anyways i went to Maine Tuesday, (but of course, it was AFTER my class...SIX MORE DAYS!!! :])and it was pretty fun...we stayed in this ADORABLE coottage, that my friend's family rented. it was very small, though. BUT SOOO CUUTE~!lol we then proceeded to go to a pool nearby. it was nice...except this ladsy kept yelling at my mom because of this long situation,about my sis not being able to go in the jacuzzi.(she only put her feet in.GOD!) we never went back there again....meh
well, i g2g now dinner
BYE PPLZ!!! =]
