
...tonight was crazy...
okay, so you know the movie for Twilight is coming out in SIX DAYS?!?!
so, hot topic is sponsering some Twilight Tour thing,right? so anyway, Robert Pattinson was at the mall near me..(woah,nowai...lolXD) it took us 20 MINUTES to get there, when usually it only takes about..hm. 5 min. -.-
and when I got there..it was worse...THE FANGIRLS! DX as soon as i walked in, "AHHHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." was all i could hear, like, every minute.DX. it got annoying...i dont understand the big deal about him. He's not frickin dazzling. srsly. I felt bad for my old softball,coach too...his daughter was one of those girls that sat out...at,like...6 AM. now,that's sad. lol, it didnt get better. everywhere i turned, Twilight Fans EVERYWHERE! now don't get me wrong, i love the series...I just dont really like him. I can name a lotta moar actors to be edward that would be A HUNDRED times better...XD Fortunately, i saw my old friend..^_^ but it took me like, 10 megapokes to get her attention..XD plus, i got really cool emo glasses..XD i love them...
lol, sorry for my rant, enjoy your day!
