Hi there! I'm Mike Jolley and I'm a Web designer and Developer from the UK.
I hope to improve TheOtaku immensely over the coming months, version vibrant was just the beginning
Hi there! I'm Mike Jolley and I'm a Web designer and Developer from the UK.
I hope to improve TheOtaku immensely over the coming months, version vibrant was just the beginning
Hooray! Exams are over. Haha the last question was on securing a social network's comment feature against spammers, what a gift! Easy peasy!
Noticing pages screw up? Apologies, we are working on a few updates :p
Making the header sleaker, the sidebar prettier, and a new hotbox.
So it is finally here. Adam has worked so hard over the last few months to make version vibrant, and he has done an excellent job.
Whats everyones thoughts on the design? Improvement? Horrible? Ive been worrying about the reaction from you guys for so long....
About the logo.. funny really. Adam hired this massive company to design him a logo, they came back with about 6 concepts. Boy were they pants! Adam was not a happy bunny. He had an idea for the bunny, and in about 30mins I gave him the hat bunny concept, and it made him laugh so hard we kept it! Does everyone like the logo?
So site wise, we have some issues to resolve, but everything is coming along nicely =)
I expect the next few weeks will be spent reviewing the site and bug fixing, I've noticed errors myself; I might sneak in and fix some when Adams not looking.
Today I've been messing with the navigation bar, it should be working a-ok now, including in IE6 so thats a relief.
IE6 is a pain. Everyone upgrade!!
Just this minute I fixed some "worlds" bugs relating to comments, sorry about those; I missed something.
Anyway...I hope you all like the design and have fun with it.