
I've acquired a new camera and it is lovely :3

Didn't end up sick sick, after all, but I've been feeling funky still. Had a head ache today that didn't go away even after a nap (only after taking an aspirin) and now my throat is weird (again). Me no likey.

Was supposed to attend a concert with Imogen Heap in Stockholm on Friday, however, due to the snowy state my country is in and the consequent canceled/dreadfully delayed trains (+15 hours), I'm not going. It would've been fun but no way am I gonna risk getting stuck there or somewhere in between. And it was supposed to be a sibling thing, though ... yeah, whatever *rubs brow*

Still haven't written that letter. Thinking about tossing a post card in the mail just to get something sent off. Somehow I've managed to write a few thoughts down on "Avatar" but only by going off of a couple paragraphs in Morphy's post. Instead of putting effort into the aforementioned literary exercises I've been making more necklaces and playing FarmVille/CaféWorld >.>;

At least I haven't been stressing out about the approaching decision about the possible [dis]continuation of my monetary situation. That's something :)
