Meme Mimmi

I'm late but I hear that's fashionable, so >.>

27, in no particular order, random facts about the Mimmers.

1. I absolutely loathe it when my dad plays the guitar. It's not that he's bad at it but it feels like someone is plucking at my nerves when he strums away.

2. Back when I was 10 years old I fell in P.E and did something to my big toe on the right foot. To this day I can't bend it forward (backwards is fine, though) and freak out/tense up if someones rubbing that foot.

3. In my last compulsory school year I actually passed P.E, having participated all of 4 times.

4. I'm ticklish.

5. I refuse (95% of the time) to answer the phone unless it's a family member calling >.>

6. For some reason I enjoy things that I avoid. Let me explain: I don't drink but find it interesting to shop for wines/alcohol, love to cook new things but don't eat the finished product, etc.

7. It's been more than a decade since I last threw up *fist pump*

8. I'm a terrible pen pal >.>;

9. My favorite color has been blue up until very recently. It's now green.

10. Before joining network I used to get to bed at 9 in the evening. It was impossible for me to stay awake any longer than that and the first time I stayed up later I felt physically ill xD

11. If a piece of clothing isn't flexible enough to effortlessly take it off I will get claustrophobic >.>

12. I had braces in my early teens and didn't mind it one bit. I saw it as an accessory ^_^;

13. Waxing legs > Shaving legs. Hurts like a bitch but the results far outweigh the pros of shaving.

14. My make-up "kit" consists of an eyebrow pen and i.d bare minerals foundation.

15. For the longest time I was unable to swallow pills. Let me tell you, crushed pills taste vile >_< Nowadays I'm pretty ok with it.

16. I don't particularly like Super Mario 2 >.>

17. I've always had a penchant for walking off, which scared the living daylight out of my parents when I did it on trips far from home/abroad, hehehehe. Hrm.

18. Despite being fairly dramatic/goofy and possessing ease of "getting into character" I've never had a yearning for the stage/spotlight.

19. It's impossible for me to have favorites. Somehow it doesn't feel rational. Just as my persona can't be encompassed in a single word I fail to limit my interests into singularities. Oooooo xD

20. I loathe it when people mumble. You either say it out loud, to the person intended, or shut your trap.

21. My English teacher in 8th grade was amazingly encouraging. She noticed I wrote poems [in English] and lend me her Anthology of English poetry ^__^ Most people would just go "aw, that's cute *pat pat*" so I felt so incredibly honored to be trusted with that bible, lol.

22. I struggle with getting my thoughts typed out quickly enough and it makes me adverse to chatting these days :-/ Though it'd probably improve if I chatted more often >.>;;;

23. When someone loudly raises their voice it creates immense discomfort within me. Doesn't matter if it's done in jest, I still react negatively.

24. I'm the hardest person to shop gifts for ^_^;;; Not needing much is sometimes a curse :p

25. Doing this meme made me forget about feeding my neighbors' chickens in FarmVille :O

26. I'm not very flexible but I try my utmost to be as accommodative as possible.

27. My nightmares aren't of the classic "monster" kind but rather of the psychological. It's always family members treating me horribly or ignoring me when I'm in distress.

The times I dream of sharks (which is semi-frequently) I'm never scared of them because I'm so aware it's a dream and that they can't hurt me, lol.
