Ka-ching I got two extra hours today and two tomorrow xD
Ka-ching I got to speak English with a woman! Then we ended up in the same line as I bought some milk before heading home. It was then my eyes caught sight of a badge she wore. She was Mormon. From Utah. I just thought that was cool, somehow, lol.
Ka-ching I now own a copy of "Tremors"!!!!!!! Took me long enough to get 'round to it >.>; Also purchased "The Horse Whisperer" because it's a pretty movie and my memory recalls it being a nice watch =)
Ka-ching I can tell that my confidence is rising by the fact that I start all these points with "I" *dies laughing*
Ka-ching Found some old writing (well, a couple of years old anyway) and I really ought to read it properly because at a glance it looked better than I remembered o.O Hopefully I won't get horribly disappointed xD!
Ka-ching You guys are all awesome and I will do what I can do be active while trying not to feel too guilty about slacking off :3