
Dagger: I haven't read anything in the papers about it so I dunno how things went after I got off, either :-/

Becky: Unfortunately the majority don't look to see if people, young or old, have sat down. I feel sorry for the good drivers who automatically get clumped together with the sloppy ones.

Schultzers: But you're a bus driver. There's a difference between a BUS DRIVER and a bus driver *hugs* :)

Shaow: It's interesting to note how the different drivers behave in traffic, for sure. There are some who are really careful and others makes you wonder what the speed limits are for a bus >.>

T-C: Riding on the bus is something I'm quite partial to, provided it's not crowded or too rowdy. Try it someday :o

(And yes, I came down with something ;_; )

Slick: Yeah, I don't think there are many bus drivers who are out to purposely cause injury to their passengers, thankfully. *ponders* Maybe I should've seized the moment when I got home to sing "Bad Day" by R.E.M?


The cold didn't flare up too badly. Little bit of a sore throat and stuffed nose but nothing I can't work with, come morning. The arm I used to almost-catch the old lady with is just barely sore today so that shouldn't be a problem either. Slightly annoying but meh ^^

I do, however, find the bruise above my knee amusing:

My computer's sent off for service, apparently with '1st priority' since it wasn't long ago it was "sent to the corner". We'll see how much faster that'll make things go. Kinda funny how I'd ordered a cd to Restore the compy to the original setting and that it arrived the day after the "crash" x]

Nothing much going on. I've been indulging my fondness for organizing and that's about it.

Oh! It bugs me slightly that I've missed way too many updates from friends due to the update list not having enough room. Sorry if you're one of the ones who've not heard from me in your comments lately!! ;_;

Loveth you all!
