Hi, Joey here. This is my place so leave my stuff alone or you will die. I blame my sister again for this, (wolfdemonchild9). Here's my profile:
Name: Joey 9You can understand my real name but I go by Joey!)
Nicknames: Joey (obviously), Inferno (Sam!)
Age: 11
B-Day: Febuary 16
Personality: Quiet, loner, Not close to anyone (except my sister), Angered easily
Fave sayings: ....(I'll start cussing but other than that I'm quiet)
Crush: no one
Looks: short (very short) dirt blond hair, tall (I'm taller than Sam!)
Eye color: Misty blue sometimes turn green
Usual Clothes: Anything clean
Family: I live with my mom, older sister (Sammie), and two out of five brothers
Pets: My cat Persian (again MINE!), and Sammie's dog Holly (dog's a demon)
Fave animes: Pokemon and Naruto
Fave song: anything soft and not loud
Dislikes: Anything loud or flashing lights (has seizures), being picked on
What you'll catch me doing: Playing on my DS (addicted to the thing), Playing pokemon cards, Fighting with my sister
Sam helped me with this. Her idea not mine. She helps me a lot ^^