My name is Alisha! I am 33 years old and living the boring adult life lol. Nice to meet you all! Thanks for dropping by my world! This is where I will post random things, basically like a journal or blog or whatever you want to call it lol
- Created By HametsuKuro
Happy New Year!
How is everyone? I got a new phone that allows me to not only access this site, but to possibly upload again :)
So, here is a small update about me. Recently, my tablet fried, so I have not been drawing often. I got a job I love and was recently promoted and given a dollar raise. What else.....not sure lol
Anyways, my New Year's resolution is to draw more often and become more active here. However, I may just stick to uploading sketches here instead of major works. It depends really.
EDIT: Update
I am indeed drawing! I am still active, believe it or not >.>
Until further notice, I can only draw on the weekends. Which really sucks because I get overwhelmed with wanting to do so much in such a small time frame that I barely even get anything done D:
Hopefully this weekend will do better than last. Last weekend I only got in two sketches T^T
However, on my down time at work, I do doodle and gesture draw to keep up with practicing. So my skills won't dry out too much with the recent strict time schedule.
I am back and will begin posting soon. Sketch Dumps from the past few weeks will be the first posted, then I will be back on schedule and continue posting art as it is completed.
Back from AWA!
So, I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta this passed weekend and I was BLOWN AWAY at the artist alley this year. I DEFINITELY didn't deserve to be in there. And honestly, if I DID get accepted, I probably wouldn't have had any business because A LOT of gorgeous artwork was there. I have a LOT of work to do to improve before I can attempt that.
Other than that, I had loads of fun, lost my voice lol but it was the best year so far in my opinion!
small update
Still doing art, just no internet to upload it. I don't have a flashdrive anymore so I can't upload when I'm at work :(
Been busy with adult life. Work, sleep, work, sleep, blah
Still finding a home.
miss being active T^T
Busy Busy Busy
Life happened >.>
Been extremely busy looking for a new home close to work. Haven't had much luck unfortunately. Just been stressed out and also my internet just DIED. like it hasn't worked AT ALL in a month, we are canceling it soon.
So, I won't be on very much. Thought I'd make a small update to you guys. I am alive, just trying to sort things out you know?