My name is Alisha! I am 33 years old and living the boring adult life lol. Nice to meet you all! Thanks for dropping by my world! This is where I will post random things, basically like a journal or blog or whatever you want to call it lol
- Created By HametsuKuro
Kailith's Questions:
1. Do you think Canadians say ABOOT instead of about?
Well, not exactly, sometimes I catch Tegan and Sara (canadian singers) saying it like that, but most of the time they pronounce it like us. But they do pronounce Sorry differently.
2. What was the last book you read? Did you like it?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. And yeah it was nice.
3. Do you read fanfiction?
Yes I do, every now and then.
4. What is your OTP (One True Pairing)?
er....I'm not sure
5. Favourite Disney movie?
D: Why would you do this to meeeeeeeeeeeee!? T^T I can't choose just one
6. Are you dressing up for Hallowe'en and if so, what are you going as?
Yes, as a Couch Potato. Which looks just like me anyways XD
7. Are you going to marathon all of the LOTR movies before The Hobbit comes out in theatres?
I more than likely will, but I have friends who are much bigger fans of the series than I am. I still like it though :)
8. Tea or coffee?
Neither XP When there is nothing else to drink I will do EXTRA EXTRA sweet tea or Coffee with LOTS AND LOTS of sugar and milk
9. What is your best trait?
Physically, my eyes, even though they are a bland color (a very dark chocolate/almost black) I like the shape :)
Personality, I have extreme patience with people's behavior. I can put up with anyone's bullsh*t attitude. Yeah, sometimes I blow up on them, but in the end I still tolerate them. like my roommates -.-
10. Would you ever (or have you ever) met someone from the internet IRL?
Oh of course! That's how I met Trey, my ex-but-kinda-still-together-like-nothing-happened boyfriend lol We met on an online Dating site.
My Questions:
1. Have you ever attended an Anime Convention?
2. Have you ever dressed up extremely odd, either it be lolita, cosplay, street fashion? Were there any rude remarks or mean glances directed towards you while doing so?
3. What are you doing for Halloween?
4. What is your favorite Holiday?
5. What's you greatest accomplishment so far?
6. Do you write FanFiction?
7. What's your favorite thing about TheOtaku?
8. What's your favorite Video Game (single or series)?
9. Do you have a Deviant Art?
10. Hard Candy or Candy Bars?
11. Summer Heat or Winter Cold?
11 people I tag:
Kailith (again lol)
Sinner Krono
Beloved Blood
Captian Ronnie
Gero Chan
Digital Improvement
Aquarius done on 1/06/10
Envious Fashion done on 10/06/12
2 years and 9 months apart. Is this an improvement? I think it is, but is it something to be proud about? That, I am not sure...What do you guys think?
Why is it so freakin hard to get attention on Deviant art?
Let's Compare Stats from here with stats from DA.
TheO:N/A portfolio views, 112 creations viewed 33,876
DA: 1,888 pageviews, 66 deviations viewed 4,850
TheO: 493
DA: 111
TheO: 1197
DA: 191
TheO: 3,217
Artists I watch: 55
Artists I subscribe: 446
Watchers: 20
Subscribers: 286
You know what makes the biggest difference in these stats? I joined TheOtaku and DeviantArt at nearly the same exact time.
So, I follow two tumblr blogs called DeviantArt Confessions and Artist Confessions....and I was wondering....
I looked up TheOtaku on tumblr and there are like only 6 or so posts tagged....
SOOOOOO.....Should I make a TheOtaku Confessions Blog???? Would anyone like to help me with this too? Would anybody really be interested in it?
Just wondering...
TheOtaku is dying....
I've been noticing this for the past couple of years now...This place is dying. It's not as active as it used to be.
Maybe it's just me being a whiny little brat, but you know, I used to get much more feedback by all of you. I would gain like 5-10 subscribers a week and now I'm lucky to get one in a month. I would get 10-15 votes/hugs on my crappy work and 25-30 votes/hugs for a good one, but crappy stuff gets 0-5 and my good work only gets 10-15. What happened? Like whenever I used to post a random world post saying "Hey, how is everyone doing?" I would get comments from you guys, but if/when I do it now, I get zip.
Where is everybody? What happened? This is depressing....I don't know if all of this is because this place has become inactive....or if my work has gotten worse and no one likes me anymore as a person....
*sigh* maybe it is just me and I'm being rude...but I get really sad now every time I post ANYTHING now...