My name is Alisha! I am 33 years old and living the boring adult life lol. Nice to meet you all! Thanks for dropping by my world! This is where I will post random things, basically like a journal or blog or whatever you want to call it lol

My Composition

This is the music I was hoping to use for the fighting scene with Ame and Kaze in my book...please comment, me and tokyoxuxa worked REALLY hard on it!!!


I'm thinking about deleting LWLAM...I mean, no one's actually reading it, and It jumps to much...might as well don't bother with it....

My book

I am trying my best to post the rest of the stroy...I still need to finish number three, post number four, and finish WRITING number five...*sigh* I guess I'm a little lazy lately....

O.O I just noticed

When Ashitaka pulls out the first man out of the water....HE HAS A BONER!!!!! YES! an errection! ^-^' I pointed it out at a couple of friends when I first noticed it...after rewinding, THEY SAW IT TOO!!!!! So I'm not just seeing things! We busted out laughing after that....


....I am stuck here at the Dalton Trade Center in Georgia....hungry and mum isn't very nice right now.... I guess I'm staying until after graduation tonight....