Secret Santa Wishlist

Dear Secret Santa,

All I want is for you to choose to draw one of the following:

  • Ame Rikai, Korosu Hidoi, and Haru Kuro together(like a love pose) with Ame wearing a santa styled dress and the boys in elf costumes. Picture references:1(Ame middle, Korosu right, Haru left), 2(Ame 2nd, Haru 4th), 3(Ame and Korosu) Discription references:Ame, Korosu, Haru
  • Christmas themed Spyro and Cynder from The Legend of Spyro
  • Christmas themed Jack and Sally with my OC Scarlet. Reference.
  • Your OC with any of my OCs
  • Christmas themed Sailormoon
  • A girl in Christmas styled Lolita holding a small present

That's all the choices I can think of...I await your gift, Secret Santa! Thankies!!!
