just whatever

mood: eh
anime: idk
tv: Being Human
movies: anything horor or monster or sci-fi aliens, haunting in Conneticut(sp? ne way, YEAH GO VIOLETS, what? no I said EYELIDS! WHAT? EYELIDS? THAT'S NASTY!!!!!!) Dead Silence(pssh I want multiple tongues!!!), They(Love the THEY!), Cloverfield(Ya no the BIG monster, he's my fav and I named him elboz), unborn(YOU ROCK ELI), shutter, prom night, Event Horizon, Pan's Labyrinth(WHOOTS FOR THE PALE MAN!!!!)...Any suggestions

So yeah, I LOVE horor movies. LOVE THEM!!! so if u have any REALLY awesome suggestions, they haffta be SUPER scary, I'd love ta hear them. When I was watching THIC, I thought that the dude said the things in the box were violets and i said, "violets? I didn't know violets had fuzzy edges, did u Rachel?" She answered, "What? Sarah, you idiot, those are EYELIDS!" My response, "WHAT?! GROSS!"

Also, I feel like moving in with Rachel, my rents are DRIVING ME CRAZY! I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!

SO tommorow, Im going to post on my guest worlds that I participate in. Also, Im going to start Necromatic, so Join if you dont wanna start after I begin the story. High school on Wed!!! I'm nervous!!! I wont be on as much, so dont expect too much from me...

Bye bye!!
